Is My IC40 Dead???


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2009
Virginia Beach, VA
I checked my Cl level today and it was 0. I went and looked at my IC40 SWG and all the lights were off. I opened up the power center and the green light was on. I did a continuity check on the fuse and it tested ok for continuity. I pulled the power cord from the IC40 out of the power center and tested between the four connections. When testing between the two that run parallel to the front face of the power center, I get between 28-30 VDC. Between any other combination gives me nothing. My understanding is this proves the power center is fine because only one pair is supposed to show voltage, correct?

Does this mean I need a new SWG? Is there anything else I should test before dropping $700 on a new SWG? This is the second IC40 I will have purchased since buying the house 12 years ago, that about the norm? Any other SWGs I should look into or should I just stick with the IC40?

6 years for an IntelliChlor cell is doing good. Consider getting an IC60 for your 30K pool. It should last another year or two.

This year I replaced a 2015 vintage IC40 on my 35K pool with a IC60.
The first IC40 came with the house so I don't know how old it was. The one that just now kicked the dust was installed in July 2012, so it lasted 9 years.

What are the benefits of getting the IC60? Does it just last longer because you don't have to run the cell longer? Any other benefits? Is it the same length as the IC40?
Will I have to replace the power center as well if I move up to the IC60?

No. The same power center supports the IC40 or IC60.

What are the benefits of getting the IC60? Does it just last longer because you don't have to run the cell longer? Any other benefits? Is it the same length as the IC40?

IC60 is the same physical size as the IC40 so it screws into the same slot.

The IC60 can generate 2 lbs of chlorine/day vs the 1.4 lbs of the IC40. So you can run it at a lower % for the same chlorine output and it should last 30% - 50% longer.
Does it just last longer because you don't have to run the cell longer?
Exactly. But truth be told, if you got 9 years out of last one, the electronics might fail on the IC60 before the plates reach end if life. People have gotten even longer, but 9 years is still pretty amazing.
So I've been reading through other forums and I think the IC40 may actually be the best setup for me. It seems like most people have their pool in a full sun location. I have tons of trees that block sun on the pool for a good part of the day. During the hottest part of July, I'm typically running my pump about 10-12 hours per day with my IC40 set to 60%. That keeps my FC fairly comfortably around 7 or 8. I don't think I've run my SWG higher than 60% in years, so I'm not really taxing the SWG. Plus I did get 9 years out of the last one so I think I may go that route. Any reason I should reconsider?????
If your happy with your IC40 then get another.
Any reason I should reconsider?????
So I am a biased Pentair person. I have an ic60 and it is a beast. I am moving and will be building another pool and will be getting another IC60.

However you have a control unit that is 12+ years old and probably the next thing to fail. If you have an almost new ICXX you will be locked into buying that control unit when it does fail for $300-$400. If you were ever going to switch to another brand, now is the time.

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Honestly, I don’t have any issues with the Pentair and to switch to something new would require unnecessary work for me (plumbing, wiring, etc).
Thats ok !!! I was only playing devils advocate with myself. I love the ICs. If you do too, go for it.
I get between 28-30 VDC. Between any other combination gives me nothing. My understanding is this proves the power center is fine because only one pair is supposed to show voltage, correct?


Just for reference... My system measures 40 Volts DC, when the cell is connected and not generating chlorine (cell light off) and 35 VDC when the cell is making chlorine (cell light on)..

I am not sure what the low limit is for the cell, but your voltage appears to be a little low for me..

I would disconnect the cell and see what the voltage reads coming out of the power center.. I am not sure how you initially tested the voltage, but there are four wires between the Power Center and the cell.. Two carry the DC voltage and ground that powers the cell. The other two are the RS-485 communication lines which are not used unless you have an automation system.


Jim R.
I would disconnect the cell and see what the voltage reads coming out of the power center.. I am not sure how you initially tested the voltage, but there are four wires between the Power Center and the cell.. Two carry the DC voltage and ground that powers the cell. The other two are the RS-485 communication lines which are not used unless you have an automation system.

That's how I tested it. I unplugged the cell from the power center and used a multimeter set to the 600 scale for Volts DC and inserted the probes into different pairs of connections on the power center where the cell plugs in. When I tested between the two connections running parallel to the front (removable) face of the power center, I got between 28 and 30 volts. When I tested between all other pairs, I got nothing. What is the appropriate range?
Just looked at ebay and there are brand new IC40 units for as low as $400. Only problem is I'm fairly certain most of them are scam units. The pictures were all taken from another listing and the only seller that has positive feedback is from him selling a bunch of stuff in the $3 range. Looks like they've sold a bunch too. Here's what looks like the original listing and looks very legit - lots of positive feedback and reasonable price:
Original Listing

And here are some of the scammy ones:
Scammy 1
Scammy 2

There are like 5 more listing using the same pics. They just got lazy in that regard.
When I bought mine they were on sale and every known website sold them within a few dollars of the same price, except for the few that were overcharging for them. Anywhere else that seemed too good to be true probably was.

of course when I went back a few days later all the sale ones were sold out and they were back to full price. I found one site that hadn’t updated yet and got it from them.

Late winter they go on the off season price to entice people to buy them when sales are down. Every year, every brand. As soon as the season is on the horizon they all get reset to full price.
Where are you taking your measurements? Are you taking them inside the power center? If so, where are you connecting your probes?


My EasyTouch has an internal SWCG power supply, and I took my readings between the large Red wire and the large Black wire with the with white plug still attached and the cell connected to the EasyTouch.. My power supply card (called the Surge card) is not identical to yours, but the basic voltage should be about the same..

I have tested mine a couple of times and it is always 40 VDC when the cell is off and 35 VDC when he cell is on. The problem is that I do not have a clue what the lowest allowable voltage is.. ☹


Jim R.
Just curious, have you taken your cell to a store to have it tested? That would help you determine if its really just the cell.. but at 9yrs old we may already know. Its the only purpose this site condones the use of a pool store testing.. ;)

I got 9 1/2 out of my first cell.. welcome to the club. I am surrounded by trees too. Perhaps we have a pattern :giggle:
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