Hybrid Pool Options

Posted this in a different forum a while back and didn't get any responses. Want to see if I have better luck here:

Have been searching for a few years now on alternatives to refurb an older hybrid pool. I have read countless threads going back many years, so I won't beat a dead horse with this. My pool does not leak at all, it just looks dated and am trying to think of some TLC. Like many in other areas no one in the Chicagoland area will do anything but paint, and anyone that is interested wants to charge 50k to rip out the sides and put in concrete walls.

- In looking at all of these previous posts it doesn't seem Aquabrite would be a good solution based off of some others stories, but now looking at Sanitred. Thinking of pressure washing the entire thing, maybe angle grinding the fiberglass sides and then going with this. Has anyone here ventured down that path and did it turn out as they make it look?

- Saw someone else a while back who ground the walls and put on a gel coat, then pressure washed the concrete and epoxy that as normal. Thoughts?

- Also thinking of just painting the old aluminum coping since that would require an entire deck rip up and possibly disturb the structurally fine walls. Good idea if I get a decent all material or vinyl/metal spray paint?

Those seem to be the 2 most cost effective measures that take it a step further from just painting the entire thing every 3 years. Thoughts from anyone who has gone through the mentioned above or other ideas I am open to? It's the first week of December but I can help but plan and dream of the work I'll do when it gets warm in the spring!
A liner will work with plywood or cinderblocks. There are literally plywood pools out there. Some 20+ years old. What the liner *won't* do, is get them a $25k remodel job. No sir. Only about $5k, give or take.
Here is a hybrid pool reno going on now in Ohio...

Thanks. I've been keeping up with this one as well. I had this company come out and they were 40k+ for the remodel. Mine as well have a new pool installed. Hoping to do this without spending that much for a pool that is outside and only used half of the year.
Here is a hybrid pool reno going on now in Ohio...

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