Drain or SLAM

My neighbor had his 5th heart attack and has been in the hospital for 3-4 weeks trying to stabilize and get an LVAD pump. We are trying to help him with his yard and pool.

I have a pool guy coming tomorrow to see if we can get the pump working.

Is this possible to treat with SLAM or would it be easier and less expensive to drain, scrub and refill?108039
That's unfortunate - health issues #1 and the pool behind that. A partial drain or certainly lots of scooping and vacuuming to waste might be applicable to help prepare for the SLAM Process process which will still be required to clear the water. It will take some effort and time. How much water can be drained/exchanged depends on your current water table level. The last thing you want is for the pool shell to shift with inadequate water weight in it. But there are alternative ways to exchange water.
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If this were my pool, I would drain it , clean it out, and refill it..

While a SLAM will eventually work, it would less effort to drain and refill and I'd bet less dollars also.

I live in Bedford, near the DFW airport, and I can refill my 17K pool for about $50 bucks...


Jim R.
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If this were my pool, I would drain it , clean it out, and refill it..

While a SLAM will eventually work, it would less effort to drain and refill and I'd bet less dollars also.

I live in Bedford, near the DFW airport, and I can refill my 17K pool for about $50 bucks...


Jim R.

Thanks Jim. We are in Haslet. Cost of water isn’t an issue as we are on a well, but worried about all the rain and it popping out of the ground.

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