Hi and welcome to TFP! That is a mighty pretty pool you have right there. I am sorry to meet you under these circumstances though.

We need some more background on the the base repair on the pool shell. You said the pool "popped". How was it reset? That is where we need to start. What were the step by step process?
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20,000 gallons of water is around 170,000 lbs you put in the pool. How was the pool shell reset in the ground?

My guess is the pool moved while the water was added creating the crack. No way to know if it is only the plaster or cracked through the gunite without removing the plaster.

Monitor the pool and surrounding are for leaks and see what develops.
Hi and welcome to TFP! That is a mighty pretty pool you have right there. I am sorry to meet you under these circumstances though.

We need some more background on the the base repair on the pool shell. You said the pool "popped". How was it reset? That is where we need to start. What were the step by step process?
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Definitely looks like a structural crack through the gunite.

You should dye test the crack to see if it's leaking.

All of the movement and resettlement created stress that caused the crack.

It's hard to tell if it's stable or not.

You probably should have had an engineer evaluate the situation and advise you on the best course of action.

You can seal the crack with epoxy putty under water.

If the shell is done moving, the crack should not get bigger, but there's no way to tell for sure.

An engineer would need to evaluate the situation to determine if there's any need to provide structural support to stop further settlement and cracking.
5. Fill void around pool shell with crushed concrete and compact accordingly, elevate and fill as required for pool decking and compact aggregate.

I think you are in unknown territory. Who determined that fill void around pool shell with crushed concrete and compact accordingly was the correct fix? Was it a certified engineer? Was the fill void all done from around the edges of the shell?

We saw a pool in Texas that was built on unstable ground and developed cracks. The thread documented their engineers fix which involved braking a few holes in the bottom of the shell and putting in support under the bottom of the pool.

If the fill was only done around the edges how did you know what supported the bottom?

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