cleaners and pool surface types


Silver Supporter
Aug 28, 2012
Houston, TX
Hello to all,

I posted a thread on a robotic cleaner I have, but didn't want to hijack that topic, so here's one more question.

Since the advent of new smaller stone pool surfaces as the alternative to just "smoothed plaster", it seems the pebble sheen and its coarseness left numnerous scratches on the robots outer plastic parts. Is there anything recommended to prevent or limit this? Or is there a robot that comes w much thicker plastic parts? W our hywrd shark, the top handle has plastic floats that allows the robot to clean the pool sides. If those eventually had hole rubbed into them, it would be useless.

Just wanted to know if anyone has had an issue w the new surfaces to the point that it has damaged their robot cleaner or other?

Than you very much,
I don't think it will be an issue on any parts of the cleaner other than traction belts, and the brushes/rollers. At least that's what I see on mine. No issues with floats or other structural components being worn down that I can see on mine, and I imagine other robots would be about the same.
Thank you Patrick - I believe that is a pretty good assessment...

W the recent rains today, how did you fare in "W Texas". In Houston, only the NNW part of town received the rains...

Thanks again,
We have had a miserable day weather wise...cold and drippy, but its a most welcome rain. About 1.5" here at my place so far, and maybe a little more by the time it passes. We will take all we can get here as you know. Its been a very dry winter.

Have you decided which robot yet?
Good deal on the rain - 1.5 in W Tx is a lot of rain...what county?

Re robots, I have the QC Hayward Shark. I'm getting some things fixed as we write, but I am also performing my due-diligence now so when it comes time to pull the trigger on a new one, I'll be ready to go.

BTW, do you use city/municipal water or a well ? Either way, have your tested your pH & CH from your hose? I would assume your water is pretty hard from W TX.

Just as an FYI, not only was my track-belt replaced, but so was the handle; it had water in it. This is why it was getting stuck to the main drains when it did not do this previously. Not sure how the water penetrated the handle, but I would like to find out how...Just thought I'd let you know...tstex
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