basketball hoop


LifeTime Supporter
Jan 24, 2015
Phoenix, AZ
a pool owner had mentioned to me once to get a regular basketball hoop instead of a hoop made for pools as the ones for pool r more $ and less well made. i imagine they will put in our basketball hoop holes after coping? does anyone know if the holes r standard size and if the basketball hoop posts r the same size or/and have any other suggestions on which hoops to buy? i think the hoop for a pool is smaller, too, from what i read on amazon when i saw a pool basketball for sale. thx
i'm also wondering about umbrella sleeves. is this something that I can put in later easy enough? does it depend on how they do the deck? i think the outside of the deck will be cemented and the inside sand, but i need to ask because i think most pbs do it that way and my pb bragged about doing it different/better. maybe they cement the whole patio. either way, we have very hard dirt/caliche. does anyone know how they install the umbrella sleeves? is there a drill that can go through hard dirt/rock/caliche and the marbella? thanks
I guess you certainly could get a standard-sized hoop. Each pool owner has their own preference. I agree that many of the basketball hoops sold in common stores (even pool stores) look "cheesy" and poorly made. I was fortunate enough to stumble across one sold at our pool builder's location. It's not a regulation street hoop, but it's very well made from the hoop to the base. Unlike what you may need however, it is not designed to slide/mount into a sleeve or base into the pool decking. It has it's own stand that I fill with water, so I can move it around where I want it. Perhaps another thing about hoops you may want to consider is that if you got a regular basketball hoop, would you then play with a regular basketball as well? Most pool hoops have a slightly smaller ball which is easier for everyone to handle while they're scrambling around in the water. Just wanted to pass that along for thought. :bball:

I don't have an umbrella sleeve, so I better let someone else speak to you about that one. :)
I got a basketball hoop from sr smith. They make one rated for salt pools as well. It's being installed now and looks great. Interfab also sells one but jute changed their design last year and instead of a rectangle it is a half moon which I don't like much.
Texas splash, thx. i guess we could still use a smaller basketball in a large hoop. we don't have much walking room in that area, not that we plan on walking on that side of the pool, much. 16" coping only then plants. I had always assumed they will put the sleeve in the middle of the coping but now that i'm seeing where the coping is will be full of rebar, i wanted to know how much room we need between the retaining wall and coping to place a sleeve. they r supposed to put in a retainer wall today set back 8 inches behind coping. i that enough room for a basketball sleeve? and how much footing will i need? we were planning on growing some candellila all along that wall. seems like a sleeve might cause other issues i didn't consider. but if we have a 16" coping only pool, with the 8" between the retainer wall and water's edge, is that even enough room for a hoop?

grottoguy, which hoop did u get? would u mind sending a pic so i can get an idea for how it's installed? they r pricey, rn't they!

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grottoguy, pls tell me why u chose sr smith? what other things do i need to consider? i have rough boys so i don't want them tearing the whole thing down and conking someone out
I picked SR Smith because their hoop (if you order the right one) is made for salt pools. Also the hoop looked really good. I'll take a picture later and post it but you can probably find one on their cite. I got one called commercial because it is set 18 inches behind edge of pool. My coping is about 12 inches and didn't want to put it in coping my PB told me when he installs them he always gets one that is supposed to be 18 inches behind edge also. I also got it because it gets concreted in. The posts then get installed in a sleeve that is on concrete and when close pool I will take posts out and put in a plastic cover over sleeve so it remains flush with deck. I didn't really think about dunking but I think it will withstand some horseplay Another reason I picked his one is because I like the rectangular Fiberglass like backboard.
grottoguy, the rust is a good point, especially with a salt water pool like we r getting. i called SR smith and they said their rims rn't breakaway and u can't hang on them. i wonder if a regular rim is stronger to hang on and which hoops offer breakaway. they get anchored into the rebar. i wonder how they do that when it's 18" behind. did u watch them do it to see if they did it that way or was it more of a straight pole down? the woman said 12" back but i read the instructions on line and it says to place it 18" back from pool, so maybe i clicked on the commercial one. i need to decide by today since they will be installing coping tomorrow and have a 3" sleeve planned to install. i'm wondering if that's even enough room for a regular basketball hoop pole. i also have salt and wonder if there's a way i can keep it from rusting easy enough with some kind of coating or if i'll have to paint it every year... the pb said the basketball sleeve goes down a couple of feet and could stand the weight of a reg basketball hoop well.

yours looks really good. i like the fiberglass see through back. part of my issue is the pbs r going crazy with the changes but i have to end up getting what we'll be most happy with and stay on budget as well (ofcourse we're already over budge).

how fast does anyone think a regular pole will rust?
My deck guy dug a hole for each pole and poured concrete around the thing the pole goes into. There is a metal screw attached to it and we bonded that to the binding wire going around the pool. I think SR Smith told me if I got the one not rated for salt it would be destroyed right away. They had one that had a backboard that was a bit more rectangular but since it wasn't rated for salt I did not get it. Interfab has a cheaper one by about two or three hundred but it is a half moon shape and I didn't like the look.
went to Leslies pool supply and they actually sell a heavy duty pole that fits in a 3" sleeve and they sell a fiberglass backboard that isn't made for pools (which i like since it seems stronger, although I'm sure . $250. i think that's the route i'm going. pb said it'll be a deep hole and strong. the guy said the rim at Leslies breaks down if someone pulls on the rim, which I think is a plus. hoping it doesn't rust fast. i guess we'll have to be painting it. i think u did well with the salt water pool hoop and if i had more time i might've too. part of my issue is backing out now would be hard.

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