Can you find the 18X33 pool?

yuck, that is alot of snow!!!
we are in ohio (not to much snow so far) but, still bitter cold....i'm with ya with counting the opening days :)

Another week, another snow storm, an additional 7" of snow, sleet and now it's raining... (and then of course we are set for a freeze tonight)

I tell you, I better see temps is the 90's ALL SUMMER LONG this season !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (unlike last summer, I think I only saw 3 days of temps over 90 all summer.

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Looks much better! 8) That white stuff get's ugly looking after awhile!
90 degrees? bbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... :!: Get the dry suits :shock:

Polar_Bus said:
Another week, another snow storm, an additional 7" of snow, sleet and now it's raining... (and then of course we are set for a freeze tonight)

I tell you, I better see temps is the 90's ALL SUMMER LONG this season !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (unlike last summer, I think I only saw 3 days of temps over 90 all summer.
That snow is beautiful! I've never been in snow like that. Every ski trip I have been on (4) there has never been real snow. Either a little bit of the fake stuff, green grass slopes, and one time there was little plastic balls on astro turf. I even went to Maine one year for Christmas and it just rained. There wasn't even snow in the ground. The warmest winter ever they said. It was 45 degrees! That snow looks so white! It's like the sand on our beaches. I guess the grass is always greener...
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