Now we have algae in the stupid pool!


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Jun 22, 2014
Houston, Texas
My husband says that he has read and is following your system, plus we get our water tested at Leslie's plus we have the test kit from here.

However we are still having problems. This is a pool nightmare! There's always something wrong!
Today I noticed algae in the deep end. Husband said it was impossible. Well, it didn't come off with a brush and it's not a stain. I keep this pool SPOTLESS as best I can most of the time. I know every spot in that pool on the plaster. Right now we are being slammed with rain again but still keeping it clean. Shark in there right now!

here are Leslie test results - husband not home and I don't know how to check....

FAC - 1
Salt 3100 (our chlorinator says 3300)
CH 240
CYA 45
TA 90
pH 8.0
Acid - 2
Phosphates 200

Pool guy said to clean pool first, then put in shock and then put in CYA in skimmer basket....will this get rid of it????? It's just me and the hubby now. The pool doesn't get a lot of use with tons of people That ship has sailed.
You need to post results using your good test kit. We do not trust pool store testing enough to even bother with recommendations based on them. And forget their suggestions.

Sounds like it might be time for you to learn how to use the test kit.

If you have algae, then clearly you let the FC get too low for your CYA level. How often are you testing the pool?
Welcome. Take a deep breath

What does this spot look like that you can't brush up. Most algae will brush into a clown.

Could you post your test results? If you have the TF100 those would be better that Leslie's. I'm sure the instructions are there if you want to try.
:calm: You can do it!

Golden rule - Avoid the pool store for testing, advice, or products. You simply won’t get the advice/service you deserve and you will waste money on products your pool doesn’t need. Do not add anything to your pool other than what is advocated by the TFP site or its experts. You’ll have a happier pool, spend less time maintaining your pool, and probably save some $$ in the process. The following are short articles from this site that you will see linked in my signature below: Pool School, Recommended Levels (for YOUR pool), PoolMath Calculator, SLAM, and the Chlorine/CYA Chart.

I didn't see YOUR test kit type above. The proper test kit is everything. Why? Because we've all learned (from personal experience) you cannot reply on pool store tests, test strips, or simple over-the-counter kits. They don't read Free Chlorine (FC) or Cyanuric Acid (CYA) levels accurately or to the high levels we need. If you don't have a TF-100 or Taylor K2006, please consider ordering one right away (link below).

I suspect you will be spending some time referring to the "SLAM" and Chlorine/CYA" charts (links below). Those are extremely valuable to you right now in resolving your issue.
Thank you all. Yes, I do have the test kit from y'all. my HUSBAND, who is in charge of the chemical side of the pool, uses some of it but I honestly think he finds the test kit intimidating....that was just my impression when I showed it to him after I told him I joined this site. I have told him again about what you guys say and I told him that we are spending way too much money on chemicals and it's not supposed to be this way. this pool is a total PITA and now my nemesis! The hot tub is just as bad. We honestly can't figure that out. The hot tub is not attached to the pool. We have a huge scum problem. i have followed teh instructions posted here from members and that has not done the trick. My husband took the filters and soaked them in something recommended and then let them dry and put them in. it's been raining so much we haven't been able to even use it. But I digress.

SO I can't post the TFP test results bc I have to get husband to do it first. He told me that he is going to go over the instructions again. I will be, honestly PO'd if I have to try and learn this stuff. We agreed that he would do the chem side and I would do the cleaning side. I have too many things going on to have to deal with this too. :evil: I told him that from my reading on this board that he is NOT following your procedures - otherwise we wouldn't be in this mess.

We have the TF-100 kit, I believe. it's whatever one works for saltwater pools. I ordered that even before the pool was finished, I believe.

I am about to go put the CYA in now. Husband vacuumed the pool to get rid of the CYA crystals that kept popping up (due to him not following directions) and then we shocked it. I will check the pH bc it was high. My husband has a sunburn on his back and after being in the water he thinks his back got itchy bc of the pH issue. I say it's called a sunburn stupid! LOL

Aimee, the shock killed the algae. it's gone from what I can see. It wouldn't brush off when I tried to brush it away. BUT keep in mind it's in the deep end and I don't have as much strength with the brush either. But it's gone.
We do not do a 1-time "shock" of the pool ... that is the garbage that pools stores suggest.
We recommend following the ShockLevelAndMAINTAIN Process.

Look, this is not going to work with you trying to be in the middle. He either needs to get on the forum and learn the methods and test and maintain the pool ... or YOU need to.
Chlorine level of 1 is the problem. All algae problems are a result of low chlorine levels. Chlorine must be maintained above the minimum level for your CYA level at ALL times for your pool to be sanitized and algae free. Pool School - Chlorine / CYA Chart.

Make it a priority to check and understand chlorine consumption in your pool morning and evening and make sure it is always above the minimum and you will be rewarded with a clear trouble free pool.
Oh my. You crack me up. You two are having a heck of a time up there. With lots of rain to boot! Okay, well, always remember ... it's just a pool. Cooler heads will prevail. We can you with each step. So .....
- You "think" you have the TF-100 (you said "I believe"). It's a flat, clear tackle box-looking product that has big letters "TF-100" on the front. Hopefully that's what you have, or some of what we say may not make sense. The TF-100 will confirm for us your current CYA level and FC level. Those are extremely important (those two readings) so we can explain the "SLAM" process to remove algae/cloudy water.

And please remember .... you may have "shocked" your pool based on pool store advice, but TFP doesn't do that - we "SLAM" and maintain a specific high chlorine (FC) level until certain things have passed the test. That could take a couple days or a couple weeks. It just depends on how bad the pool is.

So try to shed all that pool store advise and memories and let us guide you the TFP way. But we definitely need to confirm the exact test kit so we can get good FC and CYA readings.
My sorry butt will be heading out to the shed after I order ANOTHER freakin ultrabook. Maybe this one will WORK!

I looked over the slam chart and the other one but it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. What does make sense is what Pooldv said. I haven't been checking chlorine day and night. I will make that a priority.
DMS I am so sorry that hubby has let you down on his end. :rolleyes:

You need to switch with him---------YOU test and add, HE brushes and cleans!

It is not that hard to test. Just take it one at a time. There are videos that will walk you through it.

You are so far ahead just having the test kit.

We can help you clear up your pool and help you love it again.

Kim (I do all of the pool care here)

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I am about to go put the CYA in now.

Whatever you do, do NOT do this. Without accurate test results, you may make your problems worse. Blindly dumping stuff into your pool is the PSM (pool store method), not the TFP method! Besides, if your pool testing is correct (unlikely, but stranger things have happened), then your CYA level of 45 is already a little higher than recommended (30 ppm), and you should consider a partial drain and refill to lower it, not raise it more.

But before you do anything else, *someone* has got to learn to use that test kit.. Otherwise, you're just shooting in the dark, and you already know how well that works.
ugh - I have been keeping the test kit in the shed. it hasn't been there a long time. We just got the shed a couple months ago. BTW how is cr*p a curse word?!?!

It's the Tf-100.
I have it right here.
What should I do first???

- - - Updated - - -

CYA wasn't put in. Hubby wanted to "read" directions again.
yes, I want to put him in the shed!! very badly!!!!!

- - - Updated - - -

I am following the step by step thing right now.

- - - Updated - - -

OMG. I got up to 27 drops and realized I had 15mls and not 10! Now I have to start over. Idiot attack!
You can do this, just read and do the instructions and it will get really easy once you do them 3 or 4 times..

We need to know your all your levels...

here are the videos so you can see how each test is done :)

There are five chemical levels that every pool owner needs to keep track of:

•FC - Free Chlorine - A sanitizer which keeps your pool water safe and free of germs. Chlorine must be constantly replenished. (level depends on CYA)
•PH - Acidity/Alkalinity - Needs to be kept in balance to prevent irritation and protect the pool equipment. (7.2 to 7.8)
•TA - Total Alkalinity - Appropriate levels help keep the PH in balance. High levels can cause PH to rise. (60 to 120, sometimes higher)
•CH - Calcium Hardness - Appropriate levels help prevent plaster damage. High levels can cause calcium scaling. (220 to 350, vinyl lower)
•CYA - Cyanuric Acid - Protects chlorine from sunlight and determines the required FC level. (outdoors 30 to 50, SWG 70 to 80, indoors 0 to 20)

just follow the directions in your kit for each test, here are extended test kit directions if you need them... Extended Test Kit Directions

smile and have fun :) thats why we all have pools

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