When to quit slamming


LifeTime Supporter
May 23, 2015
Burlington, Wa
I slammed the pool a month ago it was green.
back washed when needed
I passed the overnight test, pool was clear except last 4 feet down to the drain.

Bought TF-100
FC 3.5
CC .5
PH 7.6
TA 130
CH 171

Slammed pool to 24 on Tuesday the 2nd of June
Have past overnight chlorine test every night,
The sun takes it out during the day, but I have keeped it at 24
back washed
Water is clear except the last 4 feet
When do I quit dumping chlorine in the pool?
To quote from the SLAM instructions:

You are done when:

1. CC is 0.5 or lower;
2. You pass an OCLT (ie overnight FC loss test shows a loss of 1.0 ppm or less);
3. And the water is clear.

When all three are true, you are done SLAMing and can allow the FC to drift down to normal levels.

Clear water means all of it, if you can't see the bottom you aren't done. This is probably why you needed to redo your SLAM after only a month. Also with a CYA of 60 the sun will not obliterate all of your FC. If you are losing it all during the day then something is growing in there.
See if you can't improve water circulation down in the deep end somehow. Aim a return down there or open the main drain all the way or set the vacuum on its side so it's wide open and drawing water from the cloudy end and get that stuff into the filter.
I have been filtering from the main drain for a month 8' pool,
So you think I have something growing during the day that the chlorine is attacking, but then it quits attacking it at night?
I slammed again after a month because pool school told me I needed to. the pool has never been all the way clear this year.
it didnt clear up with the first slam and its not clearing up with the 2nd slam?
the pool is crystal clear except for the last 4 ' above the drain
I dont think slamming is helping,I have 0 loss at night for 6 days.
I found post about deep cleaning filter which I did last night.

Today the pool is clear all the way to the drain!

It looks like I had a filtration problem not a algee problem :p
Cloudy water starts with a chemistry/algae problem. Sounds like you may have gotten it all killed, but then the filter was not clearing up the dead stuff.

Glad you got it sorted.
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