Safe to swim with high FC


Mar 24, 2015
Charlotte, NC
That is very sad.

We are at the very end of our SLAM. Our water has been perfect all year, but we let it slip last week when we had 5 days of rain. It got a slight green tint so we started the SLAM. We can see the bottom and it looks pretty good, just a little cloudy. The kids are begging to swim today, but the FC is 15 (our CYA is 30-40). Is it safe to let them swim with the FC that high or should I make them wait until the FC drops?

This was split off the topic here:. This is why we say
Re: This is why we say "Its not safe to swim if you can't see the bottom"

An FC level of 15 will not hurt them but have you done the OCLT to make sure the problem is solved completely before you conclude the SLAM process.
Re: This is why we say "Its not safe to swim if you can't see the bottom"

Yes, last night it only dropped .5. Do you think that is sufficient to let them swim? I was going to maintain an FC of 15 for another day or so just to be safe.
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