Priming the pump from PA...


May 27, 2015
South Central, PA
Hello everybody!

I figured if I follow the advice and instructions from the start, maybe, just maybe, all the AMAZING pros and members would be patient and tolerant of me in the future ;-)

I've been a lurker and have been amazed and impressed with the amount of information that this site has! I think it's now time to come out from the shadows and quit second guessing myself and just ask for help.

Now about me...
I have 2 wonderful rescue dogs who we cherish and spoil rotten, which is why we got a pool in the first place. My Rottie LOVES the water and has taught his pit mix "sister" to enjoy it too.
We opted for a legacy pool because we were afraid the big guy would tear a traditional liner. Unfortunately no one taught him the proper way to swim and boy does he make a splash.
Anyway, we had to take last year off because they're getting older and the Rottie has had ear problems and the vet said we couldn't put him under if he got water in them again.
This year the vet says to let him swim and enjoy what life he has left.

I really enjoy being with the hubby and the dogs in the pool but I LOVE the snow and am counting the days until winter (sigh) 208.

I talk too much sometimes, I don't lie, I treat people the way I would want people to treat my mom and I don't offend easily.

If you made it this far, I thank you and appreciate your time!

Awhhhh.... have you tried a ramp? It took about a week for the pit to watch the rottie going in and out before she finally took the leap. She didn't like getting back out until we finally found the Confer step1 steps. Now she's a pro
That's funny Texas Splash!
As a matter of fact we got our Rottie because he ran away from a bad home to go swim in cold PA March reservoir!
Before anyone asks, no we didn't just keep him. LONG story, neglectful druggie owner, bad, bad uncle who kept him though he didn't want to and let him get attacked by his own mistreated dogs, finally surrendered to us by dog catcher and owner. Happy ending!
Welcome to TFP.

If we still had our 3 black labs, they would be in the pool more often than not. Our current and prior dog have not shown any interest in the pool, however.

Sno: Glad to hear the happy ending for your Rottie.