Silica sand #20

Check with a local concrete or masonry supply company. They usually have a selection of different grades of sand. Also many home improvement stores and, of course pool stores are a good source.

Edit: Will also be known as #20 Quartz filter sand
I bought a new intex pool,recommended i use silica #20 sand ,i can not find tje sand anywhere ! Anyone know where to buy the sand?

I shopped around this week for silica sand. My local Wal-mart didnt carry it, only paver sand.
I checked Lowe's and the only thing they had were 25# boxes of silica sand and they were like $25 each. No thank you.
I went to Home Depot and they carry quickcrete brand pool sand 50# bag for like $5.47
Thats what I got and it seems to be working fine.
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