SeanB and the hurricane


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Apr 1, 2007
Sebring, Florida
To Everyone,

I just finished a cell phone conversation with SeanB down in Houston. He has been (and still is) without power since the hurricane. He is sharing a generator with a next door neighbor so he has enough power to run the TV and the refridgerator and a few lights and that's it. He has had no internet service and, for a while, no cell phone service.

He asked me to pass on to everyone that his family is doing fine and getting by until the power is restored. (If any of you have been without power in a hot climate for more than a day or two, you know what he's going through).

On a business note, he asked that those of you that may have made donations for a lifetime membership to wait another few days and he'll get to a computer at his work and get caught up on acknowledging those.

He also asked that everyone not PM or email him unless it's of the utmost importance. He is concerned that he's already got hundreds to respond to and he won't be able to catch up if he gets inundated with more.

If you'd like to "just give him a shout", I would suggest you just add to this thread as much as you like. He should be able to get on the net this evening or tomorrow and I'm sure he'd be happy to hear from ya'll.

Here's a real bummer.........apparently a tree fell directly into his swimming pool and he didn't get one picture! In such a hurry to save his pool, he broke out the chainsaw and cleaned it all up before he realized what he'd done. TFP loves pictures and he knows it........very self-centered, if you ask me. :hammer:

Most importantly, he wanted to pass on that he never ran out of beer!!! :lol: :lol: He said, "I had to drink Miller Lite a couple of nights but I never ran out!"

Since he's under such post-hurricane duress, I chose not to get in a beer argument with him but, please, Miller Lite is my favorite!! :shock: :shock: (that I can afford)
A major hurricane, an extended power outage, and never ran out of beer?!

I'm in awe. This man is my new favorite superhero.

Glad to hear that everyone is okay and best wishes for a quick return to normality. Meaning no more Miller Lite, of course. Sorry duraleigh.

Cheers, Gary
Sean obviously knows the importance of emergency preparedness: Beer is the #1 priority! (some less experienced folks think potable water, nonperishable food and toilet paper, flashlights, radios and batteries :shock: ). As a tip to everyone who may face a similar situation - stock up on a couple bottles of rum or vodka, in an emergency situation they can be mixed with Kool-Aid and imbibed warm, especially if you don't have a generator.

Glad Sean and his made it through the storm well, even if it meant having to drink Miller Lite :cheers:
Well, now I realize I am at the foot of the master. Ted, you posted that so eloquently I suspect you intentionally drive into the hurricanes to practice your preparedness.

And I thought this was just a forum for pool owners. :shock: :shock:
duraleigh said:
Here's a real bummer.........apparently a tree fell directly into his swimming pool and he didn't get one picture! In such a hurry to save his pool, he broke out the chainsaw and cleaned it all up before he realized what he'd done. TFP loves pictures and he knows it........very self-centered, if you ask me. :hammer:

Yes, very. :whip: We can recycle my old tree fall incident and photoshop it in Sean's pool!


I'm glad to hear he didn't run out of beer! :mrgreen:

Wishing Texas & all affected well and hoping all in need of POWER can get it soon!
don't know if he's got power back, but a lot of people still don't. I'm probably 30 or 40 miles north of SeanB snd I just got power back Monday night. Compared to what others went through, I'm very fortunate with the limited amount of damge and only being withing power for 3 days. And I always have an emergency case of Miller Lite in my fridge in the garage in addition to to what I bought in anticipation of the storm. :-D

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Sean, I know what you are going through without power. Been there and done that! It's one of the prices we pay for living in coastal states (But I would NOT give up living near the water for anything!)
Thanks all!

I'm at families house today and am trying to catch up. Individual issues will have to wait until at least next week - sorry.

They say we may be as much as 2 more weeks without power where I'm out. Dave - we cut it with hand saws, in the rain! We got gung hoe and had it out before I realized there were no pictures, but basically we had the bulk of a 30-40 foot tree in the pool. It actually wasn't too hard to get out though.

In some ways this has been fun. The weather has thankfully been very mild since the storm and not our typical heat and humidity. We've had lots of street wide bbq's and just handing out. I head back into work at the chem plant tomorrow. They say the dammage isnt' bad, but I'm not sure what to expect. I'll catch up with everyone as soon as I have more time.

Again, thanks for all the encouragement and hoping that everyone else effected by the hurricane is doing well.

Oh, and thankfully, I was able to find some Modello light yesterday so all is well - btw, I wasn't knocking Miller Light. It's my favorite stand-by.

Take care,
Glad to see you back! Having lived in southeast Louisiana for 30 years, I was thrilled to move up north and be done with all this hurricane mess....

Little did we know we would get smacked by Ike, also!! We lost a lot of shingles, and the Cincinnati area looks like it was hit by a dry hurricane! We had virtually no rain, but the winds were 75-80mph gusts, and 50-60 sustained!!! There are still several hundred thousand in this area without power, since Sunday.

I know that does not even begin to compare to the damage in TX, but who would expect it in Northern Kentucky?!?! :shock:
duraleigh said:
Well, now I realize I am at the foot of the master. Ted, you posted that so eloquently I suspect you intentionally drive into the hurricanes to practice your preparedness.

And I thought this was just a forum for pool owners. :shock: :shock:

Emergency preparedness is everyone's business :angel:

No, I don't drive into hurricanes to practice - I kill the main breaker on the house and have 'mock' emergency practice twice a month :mrgreen:
Just checked in to say hello. 2nd day back to work (never lost power- go figure). Still without power at the house. Not expected to have any back until October according to the line crews in the area.

On a pool note, thankfully I heavily chlorinated the pool before the storm. Besides the 500-600 pounds of shingles, leaves, and anything else you can think of in the bottom of the pool, it was unharmed. I have managed to back feed my generator through the house and actually ran my pump for a few hours the other day to get some circulation.

Someone of higher power was looking after me and my family. Both neighbors on either side had their roof ripped off and their second story collapsed during the storm. I feel very fortunate to only have lost my fence which has already been repaired by me and my 9 year old boy.

As a note to others in the area (with internet...), if you need help, please ask.

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