Jandy valve connected directly to pump


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Jul 3, 2013
Southern OK
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool SJ-40
Is it ok to run my pipe like this? It made the most sense to me but I dont do it all the time... The other side of the jandy valve will be "to waste" It lines up perfectly like this.. it is not glued or connected permenantly yet, just trying to figure the best way...

The pool will be behind where I took the picture (behind me)

Is there a better way to connect it up?
should I move the filter further away?
will a 90 degree elbow out of the filter be ok?

Thanks for the help :)


Yes, a 90 out of the filter is fine. Run some straight pipe before turning the 90 so you have some room to work. Not sure if the jandy valve is ok or not. Have to see what other people think. I'd be inclined to 90 out of the pump and put the jandy in the straight piece.
I'd probably put a 90 on top of the pump and put the valve on the straight pipe. It'll probably lower it a bit as well, making that pipe closer to parallel with the ground. You may have to break the tab on the handle to allow the valve to close off the third port.
i should have mentioned that crabboy,

the union is not tight against the pump, it has about .5 inches to snug up, that will drop the connection down and go straight into the filter.. I am just trying to line everything up before I glue anything
Ok, I looked at changing the layout, by turning the filter 90 degrees it would take 4 90 degree turns to get back to the filter... I know 3 90 degree turns don't add much, but I really like only 1 90 in the jandy valve and directly to the filter.. I also looked at adding just a 90 and then straight pipe to the jandy, everyone has said to only not use the tee off the jandy if there is no iother way to do it... unless it is just plain wrong to do it this way I think that is the direction I am going...
You should be fine. The only risk is if the pump runs dry and overheats, you will probably lose the valve as well as the pump, but that is really rare and losing the valve as well is hardly the end of the world.

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