My wood deck is slippery - what can I do?


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Jul 4, 2012
Chicago, IL
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-60 Plus
I re-stained the deck around my AGP last year, it looks great now, but I found it can get very slippery if one has wet feet, which of course, happens all the time. I googled and seems most products out there are designed more for concrete or composite. Also, I don't want anything too abrasive because this is a surface that will come into direct contact with bare skin.

I did find this which at least suggests it is comfortable to bare feet in the product description:

Suggestions or personal experience?
Hi Pauls,
putting a non slip additive into the sealer is about all you can do, short of completely re-coating the deck with a designed non skid coating, which you would then need to seal over again anyhow.

I re-stained the deck around my AGP last year, it looks great now, but I found it can get very slippery if one has wet feet, which of course, happens all the time. I googled and seems most products out there are designed more for concrete or composite. Also, I don't want anything too abrasive because this is a surface that will come into direct contact with bare skin.

I did find this which at least suggests it is comfortable to bare feet in the product description:

Suggestions or personal experience?
Behrs deck restoration comes with a grip but you need to pick from solid colors otherwise you can stick with the stain you have now where you can still see the wood grain, just don't run and maybe use a rubber door may near the ladder.
The product you listed will work. Most paint suppliers will have a similar product. The problem is using it with stain. It will work but it's designed to be bonded by the medium used. Stain just does not build like a paint. Keeping the wood grain look with stain, the wear may not even last a season. If you do use it, it can be mixed with the medium or lightly broadcasted and another coat of medium added to bond it. The other products like Behr and Rustoleium deck restore will hide the wood grain. I have had mixed results with both products from clients. It does not bond well with fresh treated lumber. The coverage is not quite half of what is printed on the container. It can be mixed in different colors. They all get VERY hot in the sun. I did one in sandstone and a few in the darker colors. The darker ones would hurt "burn" your feet in the summer.
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