Re: Polaris hose getting tangled

Feb 11, 2015
Jacksonville Fl
Re: Polaris hose getting tangled

I've owned and fought with and cussed a Polaris 280 for twenty years. It would seldom run for more than 30 minutes without the hose tangling and require that I straighten it out to resume cleaning. I just bought a brand new one a week ago and had the same old problem. Fortunately today I finally figured it out. My pool is 20 x 40. I had to trim about 4 ft. from the feed hose for proper length. The hose came with 9 floats and 2 swivels on it. I added 2 new swivels. The first about 4 inches from the wall outlet filter. And the other about 4 ft. from that. All the swivels are pretty much equally spaced form the first one. The leader hose has 2 floats on it. One about 4 inches rom the back up valve and one 6 inches or so before the first swivel. And I have one float equally spaced between the other swivels. In all I only have 5 floats on the hose. Eliminating 4 floats all together. Almost all my tangling was on the surface because of too many floats. Now the hose pulls out of virtually every loop that occurs. One final note. The back up valve cycles back too often not letting the Polaris do its job better. Why the Polaris comes with too many floats and not enough swivels is beyond me. This worked for me. Good luck to you.
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Re: Polaris hose getting tangled

I've owned and fought with and cussed a Polaris 280 for twenty years. It would seldom run for more than 30 minutes without the hose tangling and require that I straighten it out to resume cleaning. I just bought a brand new one a week ago and had the same old problem. Fortunately today I finally figured it out. My pool is 20 x 40. I had to trim about 4 ft. from the feed hose for proper length. The hose came with 9 floats and 2 swivels on it. I added 2 new swivels. The first about 4 inches from the wall outlet filter. And the other about 4 ft. from that. All the swivels are pretty much equally spaced form the first one. The leader hose has 2 floats on it. One about 4 inches rom the back up valve and one 6 inches or so before the first swivel. And I have one float equally spaced between the other swivels. In all I only have 5 floats on the hose. Eliminating 4 floats all together. Almost all my tangling was on the surface because of too many floats. Now the hose pulls out of virtually every loop that occurs. One final note. The back up valve cycles back too often not letting the Polaris do its job better. Why the Polaris comes with too many floats and not enough swivels is beyond me. This worked for me. Good luck to you.

Hey, I'm from Jacksonville too... I fought that same problem with the Polaris 280...My pool is 8 ft deep... I do not have any floats at all on the leader hose... I cut the leader hose about 18 inches above the unit and added a swivel... For a leader hose being 8 ft long, its almost impossible for it to swivel right ... that right there fixed the problem.. I have a float spaced every 3 ft from the wall outlet to the back flow valve.
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