Given the choice, owuld you chose marcite or tile?


Aug 3, 2008
If there was no difference in price, would you go with tile or marcite for the interior of an in ground pool.

Here in Central America, they are not to familiar with using marcite. After reading a bunch of info on the web, i told my builder that the marcite needed to be done in one day. He said that was gonna be impossible. The cost of using marcite and tile here is the same, labor is ridiculously cheap here and not even a consideration. These guys also do beautiful tile work so i am thinking of switching the pool to all tile.

If possible I would have done glass mosaic tile ! I've seen gorgeous pools done that way.

Tile will last forever, have a smooth surface that discourages algae settling in, but they can be slippery (only an issue in shallow areas where people walk around). Some commercial pools use special non-slip tile.

Given a choice, do what the ancient Romans did ! Some of their pools remain at least partially after over 2000 years - how many marcite pools got that old :lol: (OK you substitute hot air heat and slaves tending the fire with Solar panels ... but still !)
Definately, all tile. I, too, have seen some gorgeous all tile pools. Maybe then I wouldn't be adding acid every day and I wouldn't have to listen to my hubby complain about how lousy our plaster looks :roll:

I say go for it! And post pics, pretty please :-D
Re: Given the choice, would you chose marcite or tile?

Thanks for all the input. Decided today to switch to a nice vitrified tile. now, what do i do with bag of calcium chloride I bought, LOL.
It seems to me that there is a risk when having a pool builder learn a new technique on your project. If they have little experience with Marcite, you may get less than professional results.
Unless your contractor is willing to quote you a really, really, really good price in exchange for the ability to learn a new material technique on your project plus a written performance guarantee for the future, I'd go with tile.
Yes, you are so right. The fault was really mine, I had no idea marcite required any special technique, or that it has more of an effect on water chemistry. Fortunately, I found a wealth of knowledge here to help me out. Tiling starts today, woohoo!
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