Not a good year to buy a pool in New England....

Well, this has overall been a very dissapointing year for my maiden voyage into purchasing a pool. I have been on vacation for the past 2 weeks and the weather here in New Hampshire has been absolutely GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been raining off and on for the past 2 weeks, and the worst is the temps have only been in the 50's at night and the mid 60's during the day. My pool temps have dropped from 81F to a current 69F (with my solar cover on as well) . I have had to drain my pool of rain water 4 times in the past 2 weeks from all the rain. The issues I see now is there simply won't be adequate warmth and sun to recover my pool temps for the remainder of this season. Well at least we had a good June, and a great July for pool usage.....

Can someone loan me a towel not to dry off, but to dry the TEARS! :(

BTW it's raining, and 60F as I am typing this post.

Hope most of you feared better than me....
well polar_bus I feel your pain! I too am in New England, in Tyngsborough, ma. My pool has only been up for two weeks, actually it was done being filled two weeks from tomorrow. It was supposed to be completed by the middle of July but the rain delayed it. Believe it or not the water was warmer two weeks ago when it came right out of the tap, than it is now! The kids did go in over the weekend, between thunder storms. They are so excited to have a pool that they don't even mind the cold water!
At this point the weather looks better for next week, but then again this is New England and that can chane at any moment!
I'm just south of St. Louis, MO and who would have thought that I would put my solar cover back on as early as August 11! Normally August in St. Louis is 95+ with unbearable high humidity. Last night it dropped into the upper 50's. Weird summer!!!
Hasn't been much of a summer for swimming in Manitoba either. Haven't hit 90°F once this year. Sun has only managed to warm the pool to 82°F once, although we managed 81°F this past weekend. Bought a new gas heater this year, thinking we'd use it to bring the temperature up at the beginning of summer and then not again until late August, but we've used it off and on all summer. After a couple of inches of rain the last 2 days it's back down to 75, so a combination of sun and heater should get it back to 80 tomorrow. At least I won't need to top up the pool for a couple of weeks anyways.
Polar_Bus said:
Well, this has overall been a very dissapointing year for my maiden voyage into purchasing a pool. I have been on vacation for the past 2 weeks and the weather here in New Hampshire has been absolutely GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been raining off and on for the past 2 weeks, and the worst is the temps have only been in the 50's at night and the mid 60's during the day. My pool temps have dropped from 81F to a current 69F (with my solar cover on as well) . I have had to drain my pool of rain water 4 times in the past 2 weeks from all the rain. The issues I see now is there simply won't be adequate warmth and sun to recover my pool temps for the remainder of this season. Well at least we had a good June, and a great July for pool usage.....

Can someone loan me a towel not to dry off, but to dry the TEARS! :(

BTW it's raining, and 60F as I am typing this post.

Hope most of you feared better than me....
Can you send some rain down to Capemay NJ??? It has been dry hazy hot and humid. I lost my lawn in June to the heat that came extra early this year. The last two weeks have been comfortable and yet dry, a few T Storms with a quick downpour, but we need a all day all night soaker..The last few days have been fall like, i am not ready for that bring back the heat for a few more weeks please.
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