New to SLAM- am I doing it right?


Jun 3, 2013
Dunwoody, GA
This week I noticed some green spots on areas of the pool wall, so I figured I needed to SLAM to get it gone. I had slacked due to work travel, heavy rain, no other problems all summer, I know….---other than some algae spots the pool is clear and looks great. I have been brushing the pool walls and vacuuming last 2 days

Last night I added around 220 oz of 8.25% bleach I got from Home Depot, based on my CYA of 38, should have gotten me to around FC 15

Test this morning

PH- 8.2--8.4, up from 7.5 last evening (I believe this is due to SLAM) Should I reduce this today?
FC- 14 - close to my target
CC .5
TC 14.5
CH 275
TA 90
CYA 38 (I don't adjust this until I have pass the OCLT correct?)

In addition I have been running my SWG on 100%

So I am looking for FC loss overnight tonight (Friday)- questions on this

Do I need to shut off my SWG for accurate comparison? Edit- I will shut it off
Should I run the pool overnight? Edit- I will run it overnight
Do I sample tonight for comparison tomorrow morning? I have to be gone this evening from 5PM- 10PM or so- best sample at 10PM? Edit - I will do the test tonight around 10 and again in the AM around 7

Tomorrow morning I am looking for no more than 1 of FC, < 0.5 in CC, correct?

Thanks in advance

FYI I got the TF-100 test kit over the summer, this is what I have been using for testing.
Ok, I did not know to shut off the SWG after adding salt.

I checked again, FC is now 16, CC .5- TC 16.5 so its up from this morning

I have shut off the SWG and added the salt

Also concerning turning off SWG, I am not sure how to turn it off, I just changed it to 0% output, is that OK?
Just tested it again, down to FC 13 and CC .5

I am not sure if this matters, it doesn't matter until I get a reading tonight and then again in the morning right?

I wonder if this is normal depletion for a sunny 84 day in Atlanta

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Friday night I was FC 11 and CC .5, Saturday 7am was FC 10 and CC .5 so I think I am done with algae
Today I was at FC 4 but I hadn't turned SWG back on, is now

CYA is 30 so adding stabilizer 16 oz at a time via sock, do I need to run pump 24 hrs.

Also added 96oz bleach to raise FC
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