New Pool, upright blocks ????

Jul 17, 2014
Had a 30ft x 54 in AG pool installed about a week and a half ago. Put a 3in tile with sock around it and was backfilling around it, Deepest backfill area is around 15 in. Had a gully washer rain of about 1 1/2 in about a week ago. Tile was around pool but not backfilled. Anyway noticed a gap at the bottom of pool inward at one upright. Pool installer came today and beat on the block under upright , actually cracking it slightly but he pulled it mostly back in place and claimed we only needed a 1/2 block anyway. Afterwards,we noticed that the pool upright holder was sitting maybe an inch over the edge of the block. After looking closer , it seems nearly every upright holder is extending over the edge of the block 1/2 in to 1 3/4 in. Is this something I should fix and how About all I can think of is digging them out and installing a small piece of block under the overhang or maybe just stuffing it level with black dirt. Mostly sand around it now. I guess pouring some concrete under it to level it up would be possible. Is any of this worth my trouble and what are the consequences of backfilling and ignoring it ?
It is a wilbar, quest,30 ft round with a 28 ga. liner,been filled for a week. In essence that's what I want to know. Some of these upright holders are sitting 1 3/4 in over the edge of block. I have pics on my Iphone and email but haven't figured out how to get them on here ? Any help ?
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