Need a little help with plumbing layout at my equipment pad


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 5, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
Salt Water Generator
Need a little advice doing the plumbing work to add my heat pump. I attached some photos and drew out a 2":1" layout on graphing paper.

First image below is simple the current layout on my pad.

Second image is the current layout on graphing paper.

Last image is my proposed layout.

It was recommended I turn my heat pump so the inlet/outlet are facing my existing equipment. Would help cut down on 90s and PVC in general. Great idea, but. . . There's no way I can get everything to fit (The bypass, valves and SWG.) Just too tight.

So am I missing anything simple? Any recommendations?

Current Pool Equipment Pad Image.jpg

Pool Pad Equipment Current Small.jpg

Pool Pad Equipment Test Layout Small.jpg
Had an idea after the original post and made a quick mod. Version 2 below. Keep the SWG roughly where it is, but slide it closer to existing jandy.

This allows me to use two new jandys (As couplings that I'll need anyway) and gives me a little more room/play for the bypass loop, but keeps everything a bit neater (At least in my head.)


Pool Pad Equipment Test Layout v2 Small.jpg
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