Propane heater for 15 foot Intex metal frame pool


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Jun 15, 2014
Bangor, maine
I'm looking at either Hayward H100[/COLOR] or Raypak PR106, both about 100 BTU. Any advice on one versus the other.

I plan to install it next to the pool and use a portable 100lb Propane tank - can I connect that directly?

under ideal conditions that heater will only run 20 hours on that tank. Since the tank will drop pressure once it gets empty I would suspect more like 15-17 hours. You can connect it if you have a properly set regulator
Which heater is the better choice. Equally priced. My pool is a good 30 feet from main house propane tank and I take pool down in the winter. I could have propane guys run a line with connection near pool, or use a 100 lb portable tank next to heater...

Doe these heaters typically have bypass ability so you can run filter without heat or do you need to plumb a bypass with valves?

Is there any concern having the heater close to pool, ie next to filter as shown?

I don't know enough to give any advice on which heater to purchase.

The Raypak has a manual on/off switch so that you can turn it on and off manually. It also has an analog temperature guide that only uses the heat if the water temperature drops below the selected temp. I do not have any additional plumbing to by-pass the heater when not in use. I have an inground pool and my heater is wired into the same intermatic timer as my pump.

I would compare the cost of running a line vs. using a 100 gallon tank. The problem with a 100 gallon tank is that it will empty quickly and you will need extra deliveries which might increase the cost of propane. You should also see what if any local codes impact your choice. Also, the propane company would want to perform tests and might have limitations on how you set up your heater and propane tank.
When do you set your intermatic timer to turn filter on/off? I just order an intermatic timer on Amazon. My SWG has a separate timer and currently I just turn the filter/in wall skimmer/pump on when we use pool.
My situation might be unique.

I have my timer set to two cycles in a day... I get a lot of tree debris, so I empty my skimmers twice a day. I run my filter longer than necessary to keep the tree debris from sinking. I have one set to start before I wake up and stops around the time I leave for work. The second set runs in the evening.

I manually override the timer so that my pump runs continuously if I have guests.

I rarely use my heater because the cost of propane to heat my big pool is very expensive.
I'm looking at either Hayward H100[/COLOR] or Raypak PR106, both about 100 BTU. Any advice on one versus the other.

I plan to install it next to the pool and use a portable 100lb Propane tank - can I connect that directly?


I own the Hayward, i only have it for 6-8 weeks so far but i use it every weekend (twice). So far i am happy with it, people say Raypak is very good also so i don't think you can go wrong any way you choose.

For the first few weeks i ran it with propane but last week i converted it to natural gas and had a line installed.

The price to run the heater with propane is ~4$ per hour vs natural gas which it 1.1$ per hour. (in California)

For me natural gas was worth the price of the gas line, do your math and decide.

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With the Hayward gas heater, does it need to be covered or can it sit outside by the pumps and get rained on..

My Hayward sits outside all year uncovered with no problems. It also sits about 12" from the pool side near the filter. Sometimes during the winter, if I remember to, I will put a piece of plywood on top of it to keep the snow off of it. It has gone thru more winters without a cover than it has with one and it is still in good shape
Danpik. For your hayward, do you have a bypass that you can turn on/off to route flow around heater or do you just let your flow run through the heater always and tyurn heat on when necessary.. I just ordered the Hayward..
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