Hayward Leaf Canister w530 filling with air

Jul 29, 2013
I recently bought a Pool Cleaner (The Pool Cleaner, 2 wheel suction model) and decided to add a Hayward Leaf Canister (w530) in the line to catch the large debris on the bottom of the pool. The problem I have is that after about 30 minutes of operation I notice air building up in the canister and if I do nothing eventually the air pocket gets so large the return to pump starts sucking air. Sooo..I started troubleshooting this and realized it wasn't coming from the seal on the canister--the canister starts building up this air volume even when the canister is completely submerged (so it's not the o-ring on the canister). So the only thing it can be is the connections between the pool hoses that run between the cleaner (or they have a leak) and the canister (tried swapping around several of these to no avail). My question is--is there anything I can use to "seal" the connections between the hoses (the hoses are new and came with the pool cleaner--although they do look really cheap)? Any guidance appreciated.
I have The Poolcleaner 4X and can barely get the hoses together because the seal is TIGHT.

You could use PVC cement but they would be permanently stuck together.

Silicone would be good too but would also provide a semi-permanent seal. You could get them apart but wouldn't want to do this every time.

So...neither of these ideas would allow you to store the hoses uncoiled or straight like the manufacturer recommends.

Hopefully someone use has a better idea.
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