comparing apples to apples


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2014
St. Bernise, Indiana
I'm pretty sure I read in one of these forums how to compare the cost of bleach when sold in different concentrations, but I just can't find it. If that didn't make sense, here's an example:

If 1 gallon of 6% costs $2 and 1 gallon of 12.5% costs $3.50, which is the better buy? Can I solve it like this? I think this may have been how the other poster figured it, but I just can't remember and my math skills are not the best.

100/6=16.67 x $2= $33.33
100/12.5= 8 x $3.50=$28.00

So if I was buying a 1 gallon bottle of 100% bleach (my clothes would never be the same) the 12.5% at $3.50 per gallon is the better deal. BTW...I have no idea what12.5% actually costs, so if my numbers are really low, I hope no one got excited that I had found it cheap somewhere :grin:
( Bottle Size ) X ( Concentration ) / 100 = ( total chlorine in bottle )
( Bottle Cost ) / ( Total Chlorine in Bottle ) = ( Cost per ounce )

128 oz Bottle of 12 % at $ 3.00

128 X 12 /100 = 15.36 ounces chlorine
$3.00 / 15.36 = $ 0.1953 cost per ounce

128 oz Bottle of 6% at $2.00

128 X 6 / 100 = 7.68 ounces chlorine
$2.00 / 7.68 = $0.2604 cost per ounce

The 12% is cheaper in the long run.
That works, though it depends on the container sizes being the same.

I divide the price by the product of the container size and the percentage to get $/pure oz. So:
$2/(0.06*128) = $0.26/oz
$3.50/(0.125*128) = $0.219/oz
In your example that comes out to the same thing, but it is easier to manage when the containers are different sizes.
Check the dates on the 6% bleach, because it may be old and have lost some of its potency. Most grocery store bleach is now sold in smaller bottles with 8.25% concentration. Those started showing up on shelves last pool season.
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