Cover or no cover while away?


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 9, 2009
I have read the other threads... seems to be mixed opinions. My solar cover covers 75% of my pool... I have another that I have not gotten around to cutting to fill in the other areas. When away for extended periods of time (a week or two) would it be best to leave the cover on 75% of the pool to cut down load on SWG? I'd get water to shock level first... would the 25% of the pool that is open and the pump running help to keep CC from building up? Any drawbacks to this?
With a SWG, how do you have it dialed in? With or without the cover? You should not have to change anything from the norm as the SWG will add the FC whether you are there or not.

Only reason to raise to SLAM level and cover is if there is no additional FC going the pool. This is part are the convenience of having a SWG. I personally do not change anything besides lowering the pH.
I just hooked up my IntelliChem... figured I would get to know it for a month or so before we are away. If I can figure out a reliable ORP number to have it shoot for then my thinking is that I should be in good shape... so aside from whether to cover, my big decision over the next month will be whether I trust the IntelliChem to keep the SWG regulated or just go manual and drop pH to 7.3 and leave SWG running at the % I usually use when cover is on.
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