How Many Times Can I Clean a Filter?


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Hillsborough, NC
I have the cheapie paper filters in my pump. I figure it costs me 1.50<>2.00 to clean a filter (6 -8 cleanings from a 12.00 bottle of cleaner) The throwaway wally world filters cost about 6 bucks, the better ones at the pool place are about the price of the cleaner. How many times can I clean the filters before they are no good? The filter media is intact - no rips, tears, etc. I have 4 filters and rotate them every 5 days or so and I clean two at once.
The "throw-away" Wally World filters are pretty tough and generally last a while. You can keep reusing them until one of two things happens. The cart gets a tear or hole in which case it will let debris through, or it gets so dirty that dishwashing detergent won't clean it. When that happens, you will get no flow, even after cleaning.

Also, the Cart cleaner (if it's specifically for that) is probably a waste of money. Just soak them in dishwasher soap every once in a while. Normal daily(or however often you do it) cleaning can just be done with the hose and a good nozzle.

The paper 'throw away' filters are not meant to be cleaned. They just don't filter well after cleaning. They really should be replaced. You CAN get polyester filters from thrid party suppliers like Aladdin/Worldpool and Unicel that are cleanable and will last about 3-5 years fairly inexpensively for the intex pools (they are the only ones I know of that use the paper throw away filters---this is a way for them to make money on filters since they need to be replaced about weekly!)
This is good to know. I've only see pics of the intex filters....didn't realize they were meant to be tossed weekly. That explains a lot. I think there are many intex users on here who are hosing them off and using them most of the summer.....rather than tossing them....I suspect that could be part of the reason why so many intex users are complaining about their pool water....
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