Two speed pump with timer

Most people leave the pump on low speed by default, and then have a manual switch to turn it up to high speed when they need that. There are some advantages to starting on high speed with a DE filter. That can't be done with a single timer. You would need to get a secondary timer to control the speed selection.

Are you skilled with making electronic gadgets, or maybe you know someone who is?

I can think of one way without a microcontroller that would allow you to start your pump on high, then after a set time would drop it to your lower speed.

Look around your area, I think there is a hackerspace/makerspace where creative people go to make things they want and need for personal use.

A quick google came up with this:

I bet if you were to contact them and give them an idea of what you want, they would help you create it.

I have zero experience in making electronic gadgets, that place is only 10 minutes from my work, I am leaning heavily towards MaxFlo, in that way I can use the existing timer(on and off) and the pump has the timer to switch to low speed, yes MaxFlo is $200 more than 2 speed pump but I see that might be cleaner option. Thanks for the suggestion though.
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