Opened in NJ to a mess


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Jun 9, 2013
I had an elephant cover installed at the end of last season but much too late - after most of the leaves from nearby trees already entered. Before opening, the middle of the cover was indented all the way down and I opened to water level that was 25%, and hovering around the middle of the pool light. I found a video online that says it is most likely a crack in the back light casing that can be patched with a product called Groov with the pool filled. I added bleach and filled the pool which is dark green. I ran initial tests and this is what my numbers are (will do a test early morning for overnight results:

FC 6
CC 2

PH 8.0 (or higher, was more pink than the highest one)
TA 50
CH 120
CYA (Dot didn't disappear even at highest level of 30)

What do you suggest I feed my pool with these numbers?

Assuming you're using your own reliable test kit results. Get that pH to 7.2 with muriatic acid. Use Pool Math. Then hit it with bleach following SLAM recommended levels for 30 CYA. Get some CYA dissolving in a sock to eventually get you to 30. Work CYA up to desired level from there.

CC > 0.5 means you should SLAM.

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Yep your going to have to SLAM the pool. Here is the SLAM Process. Follow it to the T. Get as much debris out of the pool as you can. Lower your PH with muriatic acid into the low 7's. Get your CYA level up 20-30 ppm via the sock method. As soon as the CYA starts to dissolve start SLAMming.
If you have any questions on the process don't hesitate to ask !?
Yep your going to have to SLAM the pool. Here is the SLAM Process. Follow it to the T. Get as much debris out of the pool as you can. Lower your PH with muriatic acid into the low 7's. Get your CYA level up 20-30 ppm via the sock method. As soon as the CYA starts to dissolve start SLAMming.
If you have any questions on the process don't hesitate to ask !?

That's my sock! :cool:

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Get your CYA level up 20-30 ppm via the sock method. As soon as the CYA starts to dissolve start SLAMming.
If you have any questions on the process don't hesitate to ask !?

If my calculation calls for 120oz of stabilizer to bring up my cya, and the sock looks like it holds maybe 16 oz, does that mean I keep filling the sock until all that goes into the pool, or am I missing something?

I make me a hobo bag to hold the CYA.

I use an old T shirt and some nylon string. Wrap a string just under the arms of the t shirt and pull it tight and tie in a knot. Instant large cloth bag.
Put in bunch of CYA, then tie a string around the bottom of the t shirt. Then tie it on the pool pole and hang it in the water.

you can get lots of CYA in an old XL T shirt! Just make sure it dont have any holes in it that you dont know about.
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