Happy 4th of July!


TFP Expert
Gold Supporter
LifeTime Supporter
Apr 16, 2007
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
Just wanted to wish everyone here a happy and safe 4th of July!

I don't know how much swimming we will be doing today because it's suppose to rain all day with a high of 75 but I do know the beer will be cold! :mrgreen:

If you do drink, don't drive!!!

If you are lighting fire crackers, run like heck after lighting!! :mrgreen:

Have a happy 4th! 8)

We started our 4th last night with friends by having dinner, playing card & yes drinking. We were the only ones who had to drive home so I drank and my husband had 2 beers in the course of 6 hours. Yes, you guessed it, he got pulled over and arrested for dwi and I was the one who was pie eyed! He blew a 0/0 on the breathalizer and then they brought him home. So today we will spend the day around our pool and the grill and our friends can just come to our house. It's the first time in two weeks we haven't had rain so I have to go check our levels 'cause I'm sure they're way off. Have a great 4th everyone! :blah:
Last night we went with friends to the fireworks in a nearby town. It was chilly, unusual for this time of year we needed sweatshirts and blanket. Usually we are swealtering in tanktops by now. But the show was great. Today we are headed to Crown Point, IN they put on a great parade and fireworks display and our friends - Shout out to CubbyBeave - have a party every year and graciously include us. So Beave's new pool is getting another workout today! Wish it would be a tad hotter tho.

Happy 4th everyone :wave: :mrgreen:
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