Optimizing shock instructions for novices?


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 14, 2012
Ellington, CT
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pureline Crystal Pure 60,000
Split off of this topic. JasonLion

I was wondering from a practical point of view, would it have been better to advise Trishanna to SLAM the pool using the 2 lbs of cal hypo she bought at the pools store and bleach from a nearby Walmart or something instead of driving all the way back to the pool store to exchange the cal-hypo for chlorine? According to Pool Math, adding 2 lbs of 73% Cal Hypo to a 18k gallon pool will raise CH by 6.8 ppm while raising FC by 9.6 ppm. A raise 0f 6.8 ppm can't be that critical.
Re: Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

No CH level was posted, so we can't actually tell for sure. Ideally we might ask for a CH level, but for simplicity it is safer to assume that there could be a problem and avoid any risk. Likewise, using a mixture of chlorine sources can be confusing. The cal-hypo alone is probably useless, only being worth adding if other chlorine is added at the same time. Again, to keep things simple and reliable, it makes more sense to go straight to the correct procedure instead of getting into fine detail about special cases that might apply just this once.
Re: Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

Hindsight being 20/20 that would probably would have worked with Trishanna. She seems to be picking up on the approach and chemical relationships very quickly. IMHO it is better to get first timers to a successful solution using one chemical at a time rather than confusing the issue with cal hypo and CH issues or dichlor or trichlor and the associated CYA issues. Lots of times an "I did it that way last time" mentality will lead to bigger issues when using combo products. Using the SLAM approach with liquid CL will always work for Trishanna or anyone else that comes across this thread.
The first thing you have to ask when considering any addition of Cal-Hypo is the CH level.

Stores around me sell it all day long and there isn't a pool within a hundred miles of here that needs calcium added.

Unless of course it was filled with a RO unit or softener. :D
IMHO it is better to get first timers to a successful solution using one chemical at a time rather than confusing the issue with cal hypo and CH issues or dichlor or trichlor and the associated CYA issues.
Over the years, I have become more and more convinced of the importance of adjusting one parameter at a time. Newbies are just that...newbies. Most of this stuff starts out as greek so we must teach slowly and carefully and not assume how much a newbie already knows.

It's a tenant of TFPC to teach at a level that the OP can follow easily....sometimes we get a bit carried away and go too fast.
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