So I got lazy...

Jun 28, 2013
Augusta, GA
Between being out of bleach, laziness, busy schedules, and cooler weather, I neglected to add bleach like I should have. Honestly, I think I went about 4-5 days without adding any. Before that, I kept my FC levels between 5-9, with a CYA of 65-70. Every morining I expected my pool to be green, but it stayed clear. Last night I decide to finally get back on track with the bleach, so I tested it, fully expecting a FC reading of 0. To my surprise, I read a FC of 4?! I know my CYA level is a little high, but I was not expecting my FC to hold for that long. Anyway, just thought I would share!

FC consumption drops dramatically with cooler temps. UV effect is somewhat reduced on cloudy days as well.

It sounds like your pool was pretty pristine when you FC additions stopped so adding everything up, I can't explain that small of a loss but would encourage you to be thankful for could've gone the other way. :lol:

I think most all of us would like to remove the variables from our pool management and make things like FC loss a black and white issue. It simply can't be done.

All the guidelines we teach are just guidelines - not absolutes. That means there are often results that don't fit into what we would normally expect.
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