Have a Leisure Pools fiberglass pool? Better read this!


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 5, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
Salt Water Generator
Wasn't sure where to put this topic, so I figured this is the best place since this can cause you issues with balancing your water.

We have a Leisure Pool Riviera 30. I've been trying to get an accurate volume for the pool. When we had it installed, we had a water truck drop about 5500 gallons in the pool. I then added about 3000 gallons by hose (And used my water meter.) I'm sure the truck wasn't exact, nor was my meter as people were home using water.

Anyway, everything I've ever seen on the Internet (And some documentation) stated the pool took 14,300 gallons. So how is it mine is full at ~8500 gallons? My installer said he thought 10k was correct. I called Leisure Pools directly and was referred to a gentlemen who's job for the past few weeks has been filling and draining pools to determine the ACCURATE volume.

Apparently, the previous management (If you know the Leisure story) had some incorrect information on their site and literature. He said 14,300 is absolute wrong, and he came up with 8300, which is about my number. I asked how it could be that far off, and he surmises that the previous folks simply assumed the pool was a rectangle, which it's far from. Sure enough, when I do a rough rectangle estimate, I'm in the ball park of 14,300 gallons.

So if you have a Leisure Pool, just a heads up that you MIGHT have an inaccurate volume that you're basing stuff on. If there's interest, I could see if I could get to him again and get a list and the volumes that he has, if he's willing to send that info out (Don't see why not, but it's not on their site, at least not yet, so. . .)
Here's a picture of my pool in question below.

Specs are 30'2" long x 14'3" wide. Shallow end is 3'8" and deep end is 5'7".

Not that this has anything to do with the topic of the post, but I sure wouldn't want to be the guy who has to crawl under the pool to smooth out the rocks! You can just see him on the bottom left of the picture.
I have the exact same pool (riviera 30) and our fill was 13600 gallons ( According to our water meter)
I'm surprised they removed all the dirt user the bench. We dug ours to allow for the bench form. Allowed us to simply lay gravel and set pool- nice and firm bench all the way around.
R_Willis said:
I'm considering the Riveria 34, and would be interested in a correct list.

I'll see what I can get out of them. . .

4knights said:
I have the exact same pool (riviera 30) and our fill was 13600 gallons ( According to our water meter)
I'm surprised they removed all the dirt user the bench. We dug ours to allow for the bench form. Allowed us to simply lay gravel and set pool- nice and firm bench all the way around.

Very interesting. When was it installed?

If you take the specs that are (currently) online in that the Riv 30 is 30'2"x14'3" and has a shallow depth of 3'8" and deep depth of 5'7" and plug them into a calculator (http://www.pentairpool.com/pool-owner/r ... olcalc.htm) as a RECTANGULAR pool (And this is an estimate, obviously). . . You get 15k gallons. Now take out all the curves, the benches, steps, etc. That's what originally threw me. And that's how I think they originally had 14.3k gallons. There's no way all the steps and curves and such only account for 700 gallons.

Do the same calc as an oblong (Again, this is an estimate) and you're down to about 10.8k gallons (And we're still not taking into account the bench or steps.)

Just to be clear - I'm not arguing with you or your water meter. Just wanted to put this out for everyone to be aware that what was advertised may not be right.

Oh, and on the dirt being removed for the bench - it was all back filled with stone (And yeh, I wouldn't want to be that guy either!) I think they pulled more out than they needed to just for (easy?) access. Who knows. . . But our bench (In that area, at least) is solid, so no complaints there.
I use the pool calculator with 13600 as my number.
When I need to adjust PH (frequently due to rainfall and kids) I add what the calculator tells me and I get the correct adjustment. I'm able to maintain the PH between 7.4-7.6 and my FC stays between 4-6.
My PH was 8 last week when we returned from a week long trip, I added 18oz of muratic acid and it came down to 7.4
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