Pressure stays the same but now my barracuda isn't working

Mar 10, 2013
Hello and thanks in advance for the help.

I just added some conditioner to my pool in order to get my CYA up and it's looking fine now but when I went to plug my barracuda back in it's no longer working. I've taken the whole barracuda apart and there is suction all the way through. I've cleaned all of the filters in the pump and we had backwashed our sand filter before adding the condition. The pressure has stayed pretty consistent throughout, around 7 sometimes a little higher when I need to clean the filters a little lower right after backwashing. Now the pressure is still 7 but the barracuda is just not moving, it seems to be sucking but perhaps not as strongly as it was before? Could this be a pump thing? Is there any way to tell other than having someone come out?

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