Safety Cover Recommendations-with a boulder waterfall twist


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LifeTime Supporter
Oct 6, 2009
Nazareth, PA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Core-55
I've searched the forum and found some older posts on the general topic of safety covers, but wanted to get some input from current forum I have an added twist.

Four summers ago my IGP was completed. To save a bit on costs, I did NOT immediately purchase the safety cover offered but instead took the free tarp and water bags that the pool company threw in for me. It has served its purpose well over the past few winters, and while the tarp itself is somewhat manageable, I find the water bags to secure it are a real pain in the butt - falling into the pool, breaking, getting slimy in the spring, etc.

So I'm considering finally purchasing a safety cover, however, I see there are all sorts of options out there so I was hoping for some input on brand and/or style worth looking at. Solid, Mesh, Solid with mesh center panel - Anchor, Merlin, Meyco, etc.???

But here's the twist.....I have a boulder waterfall built onto the pool, without copying or decking in that area and so I'm wondering how they would properly fit and secure the safety cover on that side. I hear it's feasible, I just don't understand myself how it all works.

When I got quotes for the pool initially, the safety cover quotes ranged from $2,500 to $5,000. So I'm not really sure how much to expect it to cost.

Anyone have any good info on any part of this topic?

Best Brand?

Best material?

Best time to purchase (when will I get the best quote)?

Thanks for any info you can send my way TFP!!
Re: Safety Cover Recommendations-with a boulder waterfall tw

It's going to be a case by case basis. I'd get in touch with some dealers or manufacturers with pictures of your pool ready to get the answer. Most of them are used to helping people figure out what they can do.
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