Which pool is better to bury?

Mar 14, 2013
DISCLAIMER: I'm aware that burying it will void the warranty, it could cave in, they make in ground vinyl pools, it will corrode, etc.

We basically want the largest oval AGP they make (21x43) and bury it to a foot above ground or to the waterline. I've done my research on here and I've narrowed my choices to two Wilbar pools. I'm not interested in Doughboy.

Diamond Star which has a one piece aluminum wall https://discountpoolsdirect.com/platinumpools.htm


Venetian which has a steel wall http://www.familypoolfun.com/shop?category=7&product=ven18#features

I was thinking the Diamond Star (Aluminum) would be better in the ground but I'm not so sure with people having good results with protected steel. Any opinions on which would be better in the ground would be appreciated.
Thanks ComputerGuyInNOLA, I'm prepared to take that gamble. I can see where that would be an issue where you live and I probably wouldn't consider there. Sorry I didn't state I'm in the desert and get 8" of rain compared to around 60" where you are. I'm really looking at which wall material will hold up better as I'm worried about the aluminum for some reason.
If you are willing to take such a risk with catastrophic wall failure, why not just bite the bullet and go with a Doughboy then? They are more suitable with what you want to accomplish.
Casey said:
If you are willing to take such a risk with catastrophic wall failure, why not just bite the bullet and go with a Doughboy then? They are more suitable with what you want to accomplish.

I would consider Doughboy but it seems they don't sell pools online, especially when looking for their largest pool (21x41). I did call a place and the price was almost double that of a wilbar pool. I'm not convinced the Doughboy is made that much better for the ground.
See my signature for what we partially buried in 2009, near Houston, so lots of rain. No problems at all whatsoever. We left 2 feet unburied. I would post pictures, but I always get the message file invalid, so have not been able to do that yet.
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