Skimmer Buddy


LifeTime Supporter
May 27, 2007
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Have any of you ever installed them on your baskets?

Skimmer Buddy is a add-on handle you attach to the bottom of the skimmer basket allowing the handle to stick up above the water line so you don't have to stick you hands down into the 'muck'. Looks like a great idea, just wondering if anyone has tried them out?

Long week-end ahead !! Wooo Hoooo !! 8) 8)
giulietta1 said:
Yes, I have one. Didn't know what it was called! The long handle gets in the way of using a skimmer sock, tho, and I have to wrap the skimmer sock around the outside of the skimmer basket. Other than that, it's very cool.

Would it be possible to use knee high panty hose and place the 'sock' over the handle and attach to the top of the basket? I can see how conventional pool store socks wouldn't have enough room to allow for that. I saw them at the pool store recently when I was in there buying sand for the filter. Sold for $15 each I think.
I too use knee highs for a skimmer sock and have struggled with reaching in to pull out the skimmer basket, especially the first few days after opening from winter. I just tied a shoe lace on each side of the basket, put the knee high over the basket and drop in the basket using the shoe lace as a handle to lower it in. I then leave a bit of the shoe lace sticking out of top and place the skimmer lid on to hold the lace. When I check the skimmer basket, I grab hold of the lace, take off the lid and I never have to touch the water when lifting out the basket.
Being in the construction field for years, underground plumbing exclusively, I have stuck my hands in stuff that looks way worse than a few leaves. I have WADED in stuff that is worse, in hip waders too...

But, is this to say that skimmer baskets don't have handles? Mine has a handle built onto it.
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