shopping list for new pool


Mod Squad
LifeTime Supporter
Jul 10, 2012
Tallahassee, FL
The new pool is almost up! SO close! I have been taking pics. Will post when it done.

What do I need to buy right NOW to have on hand when the water is added? I have ordered the test kit already.

When do I start putting in the bleach?

When do I start putting in CYA?


Congrats on the new pool!

You're already off to a great start with the test kit, which did you select? The K2006 or the TF100?

When I opened our new pool about 3 weeks ago, I had bleach on hand and the TF100. The 'pool package' came with the Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer) - though I had to get another container to have enough (you will too with the large water volume). That's all I had to start, I've since bought Muriatic Acid because of the pH level, but that's something you won't know til you can test the water.

<edit> As for WHEN to start adding things? I personally waited until I had enough water to run the pump but I was able to fill it in less than 20 hours with city water hoses. If it takes longer, you may need to add some bleach and 'stir' it to move it around with the pool brush. Someone else can offer better advice there. As for the CYA, I put mine in one of hubby's old tube socks and tied it in front of the return so can't do that until the pump is running. Not having the CYA at first is not a problem, just means the Chlorine will be consumed faster until it's dissolved. Another thing we did, we put the solar cover on as the pool water was going in because the tap was like 68degrees. :)

This is what I would do:

1) Read Pool School while you wait, helps pass the time.
2) When your kit arrives, test your FILL water. Since BBB is about understanding how what we add to the pool effects the pool, it's equally important to know how the fill water will effect it.
3) Start posting some pictures :)
4) Grab some bleach

I don't know if you bought a package that came with chemicals or not, one thing I did was carted the chems I knew I wouldn't use back to the store and the owner was fabulous about swapping them out. We have high ALK so he swapped the ALK+ for the other bottle of CYA that I needed. It worked out well.

Welcome! :wave:

(this is our install: install-day-1-to-be-continued-t47841.html)
You can start adding chemicals as soon as the pool is full and the pump is running. Test the PH and TA and see if they need adjusting. Start adding CYA right away. Add chlorine after dark the first evening.
Bethy that was a great write up about your pool!

Jason-will do! Can't wait to start adding water!

Chuck-got the CYA-man that stuff is pricy! About how much do you pay? I found 3lbs for $12.?? OUCH!

Thanks for the welcome!

Read and re-read pool school.
Buy some bleach, Borax and CYA, start pumping/filtering as soon as the water is high enough, start treating as soon has you have your test kit and water is being pumped/filtered. Don't treat until you have some tests results to guide you.

The testing may seem a bit daunting at first, but after a couple of dozen tests you'll be a pro, by the end of summer you'll probably have the entire process to memory.

Good luck!
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