Where to place skimmer valve for a proper backwash

Jul 10, 2012
Hi !

This is going to be my third backwash but I'm a little confused on where to place the skimmer valve. Mine has 3 different positions:
Full drain
Full skim

The valve is usually in 50/50 and when I did the two previous backwashes my neighbor told me to place it in Full drain then back to 50/50 after the cleaning. Few minutes ago another person told me to leave it on 50/50 for backwash.


Perfect!, that valve is set in 50/50 in a daily basis so I will follow your instructions from now on. Just to understand the hardware, could you please tell me when I should use the other 2 option?
50/50 is a good day to day position. You often need to set the valve to skimmer only when vacuuming in order to get enough suction for the vacuum to work well. Main drain only is less common, you could use main drain only if the water level was below the skimmer for some reason, draining the pool perhaps.
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