Need help Re-attaching Pump Wiring

Jul 3, 2007
I plan to open my own pool this year (first time). When it was closed, the pool guy removed the pump motor and I don't know which wire goes where. From the panel, there are three wires (green/red/black). At the pump, there are three possible connections (white/brown/green screw). According to the diagram on the side of the pump, the brown connection is low voltage and the white is high voltage; I assume the green screw is a ground. The pump is a Pentair 1.5 HP 1-speed pump. Anyone have any idea what goes where? :?:
Goto your electric box and see if there is a breaker labeled pool pump or filter. If the breaker is a single breaker the pump is 120v. If it is a double breaker it is 240v. I would assume because the wires are red and black that it is 240v. Which would mean you want to but one wire on the high voltage screw. There should be another screw that says common. Let us know and we'll see if we can help you out.
Here are some pics; it's a double pole breaker:






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Another yup, 100%. See how easy the pics make this. You should also look for a heavy bare copper bonding wire that would attach to a separate bonding lug on the motor (maybe on the back?) It may just be lying on the ground somewhere. The motor will work fine without it, but it is an important safety item and a 2007 IG pool with 240V should have one.

EDIT: That may be it about one o'clock from the end of the orange screwdriver.

PS. Get rid of the Nature2. It is a major waste of money and mine exploded and let all the little metal balls blow into the pool, get sucked into the floor drain and back to the filter. The Cu/Ag overdose badly stained my plaster. I hate them.
Durk said:
Another yup, 100%. See how easy the pics make this. You should also look for a heavy bare copper bonding wire that would attach to a separate bonding lug on the motor (maybe on the back?) It may just be lying on the ground somewhere. The motor will work fine without it, but it is an important safety item and a 2007 IG pool with 240V should have one.

EDIT: That may be it about one o'clock from the end of the orange screwdriver.

PS. Get rid of the Nature2. It is a major waste of money and mine exploded and let all the little metal balls blow into the pool, get sucked into the floor drain and back to the filter. The Cu/Ag overdose badly stained my plaster. I hate them.

Thanks for the reminder on bonding wire. I never installed the Nature 2 cartridge for fear of staining; it's just the empty housing from the original construction.
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