First test - what does this mean?


Apr 8, 2008
I have an inground pool @25k gallons. Just filled it up with water a few days ago.

I have ph of 7.6
Total Chlorine of @ 1
Bromine - @ 1 ppm
Total Akalinity @180
Calcium Hardness - 160
FC @ 225, i just kept adding R-0871 seemingly forever until water got clear

What does all of this mean? What should I do?

Thanks for your help.

Welcome to TFP!

It sounds like you must be doing the test wrong in some way. If CC is zero and TC is 1 then FC should be 1. I am assuming you got TC using the OTO quick test (drops turn the water yellow and you compare to a color standard) so the equations might not be exact (test imprecision) but it should still have been somewhat close. Plus FC of 225 is not plausible unless the sample was contaminated with bleach.

Try reading the directions on the test kit again and/or describe to use all the steps of the FC test you took and what things looked like after each step.
For the Taylor FAS-DPD free chlorine test, here are the instructions from Taylor's web site:

1. Rinse and fill large comparator tube to desired mark
with water to be tested.

NOTE: For 1 drop = 0.2 ppm, use 25 mL sample.
For 1 drop = 0.5 ppm, use 10 mL sample.

2. Add 2 dippers R-0870. Swirl until dissolved. If free
chlorine is present, sample will turn pink.

NOTE: If pink color disappears, add R-0870 until
color turns pink.

3. Add R-0871 dropwise, swirling and counting after
each drop, until color changes from pink to

4. Multiply drops in Step 3 by drop equivalence (Step 1).
Record as parts per million (ppm) free chlorine (FC).

5. Add 5 drops R-0003. Swirl to mix. If combined chlorine
is present, sample will turn pink.

6. Add R-0871 dropwise, swirling and counting after each
drop, until color changes from pink to colorless.

7. Multiply drops in Step 6 by drop equivalence (Step 1).
Record as ppm combined chlorine (CC).

The key is what size water sample you used (10ml or 25ml) and how many drops it took to clear the pink color. Multiply the drop count by .2 or .5, depending on the water sample size to get the FC reading. High chlorine levels normally give a very deep pink, while lower levels give a light pink before you add any of the R-0871.
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