Aluminium repair in tile pool.

Mar 25, 2012
I have severe corrosion on the aluminium edge of the stair in a tile pool. The aluminium is all pitted and looks like cavities...

Does anybody have a tip for the best product to use. I was tinking of a two part epoxy aluminium putty, but wondering if anybody had better suggestion or experience?

Many thanks!




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It is going to be difficult to fix that in any way that will last. The aluminum should never have been left exposed, and should instead have been covered with tile. To get a good bond to the edge with epoxy the edge is going to need to be throughly cleaned, ideally with something like a grinder (or something which has a similar effect), which unfortunately is likely to damage the tile nearby.
Re: Aluminum repair in tile pool.

What do you mean by "exposed"? I think that the aluminum was painted or something similar. Do you say that this is a bad construction?

A supplier is suggesting me this epoxy aluminum putty, will it last with the chlorine environment, given that it is well applied?

Many thanks again.
The more I look at it, the less optimist I am... I think I will have to use sand blast to deep clean this.

In your opinion, witch water chemistry parameter was wrong for this to happen, low PH?

A lot of work to do.

Each stair have this aluminum edge...



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The entire surface should have been continuous tile (plus grout lines). Nothing other than tile and grout should have been exposed to the water.

The epoxy can work, but only if you get a really good bond to the edge. For that to work the edge needs to be very clean and you need to make sure to coat it everywhere.
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