Phantom Problem - Sucking Air Was not What it Appeared to Be


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2012
Every time we get appreciable air bubbles appearing in the glass lid of our Hayward Super pump it seems that we're drawing air from somewhere, right? Not necessarily so.

We've had an intermittent problem as described above for the better part of 2 years. It will sometimes appear as low output pressure down to maybe 10 psi too.

Before you dig up your skimmer lines looking for this phantom leak, here's what we found: Half of a 1 1/2" pool rubber plug, stuck right in the L, just prior to entering the suction end of our pump.

It was cutting the flow easily in half, killing the output pressure, and worst of all, acting like a suction leak! Surely the same thing can occur at a Jandy valve on the suction side as well!

Here's hoping that this tip will assist others with the sometimes, hand-wringing and time intensive challenges of what seem to be suction leaks, but aren't. :-D

Best of luck to anyone this helps!!!
Re: Phantom Problem - Sucking Air Was not What it Appeared t

Wow. I never would have guessed they would use a rubber plug at that location. I've had the pump seal start failing before and that will cause air to be sucked in, but usually a couple of drips of water come out between the motor and pump once it shuts off, so that was an obvious leak.
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