Switching to Salt

May 15, 2009
Mason, OH
Well this year I am going to make the switch to salt. After doing some research and going to pool school I decided on a CircuPool system, although its tough to find actual reviews from people who use these systems so any input from people here would be nice.
My pool is in-ground approximately 20K. The only decision I haven’t made is if I should go for the 30k or the 45k system. I know 30k will be enough but the price difference to the 45k isn’t much. Will the 45k be overkill? Thanks for your advice.
I recommend getting the larger cell. It will last longer and save you money in the long run. You can get a unit sized up to three times as large as your pool actually is without any problems, and even larger than that with only minor issues.
Glad you found the post, yes just make sure it ends up exactly like the picture in the documentation that comes with it.

geosojda said:
has anyone re-wired a Compupool to 120? I usually don't have a problem re-wiring to 120 but the directions are vague to say the least.

*edit* nevermind i saw your post, should give me everything i need there, thanks!
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