only 7-8 weeks on pool light gasket - can I reuse?


LifeTime Supporter
Mar 1, 2008
Lake Forest, CA
Long story short...I replaced my pool light bulb and gasket about 2 months ago, and it looks like I'm going to need to replace the bulb again. After such a short period of time, can I keep the same gasket (provided it looks OK upon inspection)?

While I hold Scott in great esteem, I humbly disagree on this one :)

You can try the old gasket and then submerge the light for a minute and see if any water enters it. I've replaced bulbs in units that were over 7 years old and not had a problem with the gasket :cool:
I too have re-used a gasket. About a thirty day old one, and its still holding. Easy way to tell if your gasket is no longer of use, is to hold the fixture under water and have someone(owner) turn it on and watch as the fixture warms up, the pressure will force it's way out anywhere the seal is weak. This is also good for checking questionable light cord grommets on the fixture. Course once the light cools, seal leaks again only this time its sucking water back into the fixture.

Ted, I've never seen water actually enter the fixture This must be what you meant. Pardon if i doubled.
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