Question regarding start up


Mar 8, 2011
My pool issues have been well documented but I still have one issue that remains. When the PB completed my pool, they filled it up and came back in 10 days to add salt. During this time I brushed twice daily, sometimes more. During this time the pool water was not treated and began to scale. I have polished Hydrazzo and it went from silky smooth to rough. Part of building a pool one would assume would be to ensure that the water is balanced at least once before the PB walks away, is this the experience you all have had or did your builder tell you the pool is full of water now and you must immediately begin treating it? Mine did neither and I had to drain and refill the pool at a cost of $500 so that the surface could be repolished. My wife thinks I should send this water bill to the builder as she believes that as part of start up the pool should have been balanced.

Thanks for the input.
What pool builders should do, what they are legally required to do, and what they actually do are three completely different things. Stories like yours are fairly common. The builder should have told you more, so you could have taken proper care of the pool from day one, but most likely they are not legally responsible for telling you more or for any problems you had due to failing to maintain the chemistry properly (the PH should have been monitored and lowered daily). The only exception would be if the contract specifically called for the builder to be responsible for the water chemistry for some initial period, which is rare.
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