Ashes in pool

Jun 20, 2010
Southeast VA
Courtesy of the Great Dismal Swamp on fire, when the wind shifts blowing it toward the ocean, we get ashes falling from the sky! It's getting all over and into everything including my pool! The water is a little cloudy. I have been vacuuming it every other day and cleaning the skimmer out daily. I do have a skimmer sock which seems to help collect the junk.
Anyone else living in NE North Carolina or Southern VA experiencing this mess? :grrrr:
I would be interested to know if you experienced extra FC extinction and/or a drop in CYA during the ash storm. I had something similar a few years ago and has issues keeping FC.
Try a good liquid polymer water clarifier. Leslie's and Natural Chemistry have good ones. The more you can dilute the dose with water before adding it to the pool will make it work even better. You may need to add it twice. Be sure to check your filter pressure and backwash or clean your filters when the pressure goes up by 8 psi over clean. The problem is that ash is broken into smaller and smaller particles as it contacts the pump impeller. It is essentially chopping up the ash into finer particles. They become so small that they can pass through your cartridge (or a sand filter). Clarifiers coagulate these small particles and clump them together (flocculation) so they can be filtered. They work very well in California where they have brush fires.
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