FINALLY about to buy a heater... But which one?


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Jun 28, 2009
I am getting close to ordering a heater, finally! My Pool will be above ground and either 24' round intex ultra or 15 x 30 "permanent" AG. I will also be buying a new cartridge filter and pump, but haven't decided on those either as yet. Once I get the heater figured out, and the water lines run under the soon to be poured new patio, I'll focus on pump and filter.

My choices for the heater are (all are natural gas):

Option 1. Take FREE 200,000 btu used heater my brother got from an acquaintance in KC. My understanding is it was on an IG and the people were not remotelybversed in BBB? Bro thiks they had cruddy water and it fried the heat exchanger. Don't know that bro is qualified to diagnose, but that is his understanding in looking at it (he is general handyman sort) and in talkijg with them.

I've called an HVAC guy who says when I get here next week he'll try to diagnose it for $75 or so. Then he'd let me order the needed parts and he'd install. If it is the heat exchanger ( and that is all), I have a pool store whomsays they would install a t,itanium exchanger in it for roughly $1150. Sounds high, so I 'd probably use HVAC guyband hopenbuying the parts online qould bring the cost down.

Specs on this used unit are: RayPak P-M206A-EN-C

Option 2: buy a new 400,000 btu with copper heat exchanger for roughly $1600.00. I haven't decided on a brand, and have no real way to guage them, so any input on favorites is welcome. The pool store I 've worked with somewhat does the warranty for Rhem and, I think, Pentaire so I am somewhat leaningntoward one of those. But my neighbor is my HVAC guy so maybe any brand is okay if a pool guy not needed for fixes.

Option 3: buy a new 400,000 btu with cupro-nickel instead of copper. Looks like this costs several hundred more than copper, so I'm wondering if people think it is a good idea or a awaste of money. I will have an SWG, which is brand new and will be de-copperized.

So . . . What are your thoughts on which option to pursue? A slight/medium consideration is speed, since I am hoping my patio project will be done in time to erect and use the pool July 1.
I'm not expert but those sound like really massive heaters for a 3300 gallon pool. Is there a zero missing?

I have a 220,000 btu heater for a 90k litre pool (23k US gallons) and although it's for summer use only, it's not exactly warm here.

Sizing your heater correctly is rather important - too small and it won't keep up, too large and you're throwing money away on capacity you don't need and possibly extra gas.
I thought Jason said that having a bigger heater would heat the water faster and wouldn't need to run as long. Making the total consumption similar total amounts.

My heater is 100k btu and the pool is ~13,500 gal. It does about 1 degree/hr. Other than sizing, I can't comment on anything.
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