Spa installed and running (now with numbers)


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 2, 2007
Austin, TX
As our backyard project wraps up, my spa was installed Friday. It came at a great time since we laid 9 pallets of sod! The hot tube proved its weight in gold! At this time, we are following the spa installer chemical suggestions to include the Nature2. I was glad that they suggested that I still used granular chlorine for my sanitizer (shock). Our pool should be plastered mid week. The spa gave me a chance to use my various test kits. ;)

After three nights of heavy use, I noticed foam starting to form. Is this normal? I am making each one of the family members to shower prior to use. We did have two guests over the weekend which didn’t. What is the best method (chemical/filtration) to use to control foaming and the other general ‘scum’? I am following the spa installer advice and shocking the spa when we spend a total of 4 hours or more in the water. Until I have a firm grasp, I am going to shock it after each use since the family (4 people) are averaging about an hour each in the tub.

I am happy to see that the tub holds its temperature very well! Friday we warmed up the tub to 98 degrees, it holds the temp very well with the cover on. The overnight temps are around the 40’s. We only turn the heater on just prior to entry and off again at exit.
Here the most current numbers I have for the spa. I mainly wanted to play with my new ColorQ meter. ;)

FCL: .49
TCL: 1.75
PH: 7.7
ALK: 83
CH: 117

Please let me know if my numbers are out of order.

Sabot, congrats on the new spa and soon to be completed new pool!

The thing that hits me square between the eyes is the cl. FC + CC = TC! Yours is fc= .49 and tc= 1.75 leaving you with a combined (used up, smelly and bad) chlorine (cc) of 1.26!! :shock: you have more than 2X as much used and worthless, smelly chlorine than you do free( fc - able to sanitize and keep the nasties at bay) chlorine, no wonder you have foaming! :wink:

Something is going wrong with your chlorine addition schedule. You aren't adding enough to counteract the sweat and other 'ick' that people add to a nice hot spa. Is the spa exposed to UV? UV will degrade both the fc and the cc. I think that adding the proper amount of bleach after every use (probably a cup or two) will help with this once you get rid of the existing cc. You have the cool meter to measure your chem levels, use it 1/2 hr after the spa has been used and add bleach accordingly :)

The other thing is the pH of 7.7, chlorine performs better at lower pH and colder temps. If the spa is over 100 deg. the chlorine isn't doing it's job as well as it might and with a 'high' pH it's a double whammy on the efficiency. Try to lower the pH to 7.2 / 7.4 and see if the chlorine doesn't 'play' better with the stuff people using the spa add.
In a silly way, I am looking forward to this issue since it's my first! ;)

First off let me ID what I am using:
Regal Dy-Chlor 2
- Sodium Dichloro S Triazinetrione Dihydrate 99%
- Inert Ingredients 1%

Leisure Time Spa Down
- Sodium Bisulfate 95%
- Inert Ingredients 5%

I use a spa cover. I don't know if it protects from UV, its about 4" or so thick....

I noticed the smell a little today but no one else did.... :sleep:

I was instructed to add 2oz of Dy-Chlor 2 after each use. With my current load of 4 people (2 kids and 2 adults) nightly for one hour per person, is this enough? (My wife and I shower prior to entry but not my kids unless they are dirty or sweaty. It's bad enough to have them shower AFTER the spa... :) )

The below reading where taken prior to use tonight:
FCL: .49
TCL: 1.75
PH: 7.7
Alk: 83
CH: 117
Water Temp: 96

The below reading where taken an hour after shock (2oz of Dy-Chlor 2)
FCL: 9.09
TCL: Hi (Reading on the ColorQ)
PH: 7.78
Alk: 80
Water Temp: 97

The below reading where taken an 30 minutes after using 3 tsp of Spa Down
FCL: 8.22
TCL: Hi (Reading on the ColorQ)
PH: 7.77
Alk: 73
Water Temp: 95

I have ran out of time tonight to adjust the PH any further, in fact the Spa Down has an affect on both the PH and the Alk. It looks like the Alk is dropping but not the PH. From what the Spa installer told me, I am in the "Ok" range but I am trying to get it lower if all possible. What can I try to lower just the PH?

I am so tempted to purchase some bleach.... but I am going to see if I can figure out the dosage for the Dy-Chlor 2 since I have a small bottle. I added another 2oz of Dy-Chlor 2 to see what effect it will have on the numbers when I test it again tomorrow.

Does the fact that we are using the Nature2 mean anything? Does it really work and should I buy another when this one is used up?
If the ColorQ is right, and they are usually very accurate for chlorine readings, you have a CC problem. You want CC to be below 0.4. CC = TC - FC. It is going to take more shocking with chlorine to get the CC level down. The only exception I can think of is if you have used any non-chlorine shock, which could create a false CC reading,.

Also, I would bring the CH up to between 150 and 200.
Good morning,

I have only used since we started the spa two chems: Regal Dy-Chlor 2 for shock and Leisure Time Spa Down to reduce the PH (& side effect the Alk as well...) I did as instructed by the spa installer but I felt he had missed a few things. He was just being very general and noted he was no means an expert. I figured it would be a good place to start and go from there.

I purchased small amounts of the three B's today to have on stand by in case one of you suggested using some of them. I have been waiting with baited breath to try it since I started reading this forum! :wink:

What is the best chem to use to bring up my CH? I can stop on the way home to pick up some from the Pool Warehouse or any other store you guys/gals recommend.

I took a quick reading before I left home today and the FCL and CC was still high, so I turned on the jets which runs on a thirty minute cycle. I ran out of steam last night, it was around 11pm when I finally had to turn in. 5am comes quickly now as I age! :) The temp was around 94 this morning. The tub takes a long time to cool off, which is good I guess. :) We don't like the temp hotter then 98 degrees. Last night one of the kids hit the heat button and rose the temp to 99. Funny how one degree makes a huge differance. We didn't care for 99...

I am planning to work on the PH more when I get home. The PH this morning was still at 7.7, I can't seem to make it drop much. I trying to find the right amount to add to make a control drop. I am thinking of using It seems to have a quick turn around based on the bottle. About 30 minutes then I can test to see the impact. Sound right to you? Should I stop using the PH Down and switch to using Muriatic Acid instead? If yes, how much should I use in 325 gal? I am using a plastic mixing pale to mix the PH Down in with spa water prior to introduction. (Per instructions on the bottle) The PH Down sinks right to the bottom, I have to stir it a little to get a good mix. I then turn on the pumps and introduce it to the spa. I assume I will do the same if I use Muriatic acid?

Thanks for all the help... this board rocks!!!
Well after two days of adjustments, my PH is stable. I decided to use acid to adjust the PH down. I didn't wish to use the SPA PH/ALK down that came with the spa. I wanted to test out the BBB theory. I have not added any Dy-Chlor 2 since first of this week. I have been using 6% bleach. I added 1 oz of Baking Soda yesterday. I shocked the spa each day and again tonight. I am closing the gap on reducing the CC but it's a hard fight. Sure would like to know if the Nature 2 is actually doing anything productive. We went into the spa tonight and it was just plain awesome. The water had no smell to it at all and there was very little foam at all. Even less then the first night that we used it. (FCL was around 2.1 if my memory serves me right.)

Very nice...
Nature 2 puts metals into the water which act as a slow algaecide and an even slower bactericide. That is better than having nothing if your chlorine level should go to zero, but if you maintain your chlorine level it doesn't really help much. In a pool there is a risk of getting too much metal in the water, and having stains. In a spa you generally change the water frequently enough that the metal level can't get all that high. But spas are also prone to wild PH swings, which can cause staining even at fairly low metal levels.

So, yes it does something. But it isn't clear if that something is worth the cost and the risk of staining.
Thanks Jason for the quick response!

I guess I can do without it once it's used up. (What do you think, should I keep it in there or pull it out?)

As for the PH, since swings are normal I should not stress about the swings then?

Am I over testing? (Testing daily prior to allowing anyone in plus I test often when I am adjusting the water)

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Testing a lot at the start to get an idea of what is going on is a great idea. Once you become familiar with the spa you will usually be able to know what is happening without testing nearly as often.

I wouldn't stress about PH swings, but I would try to get them under control. That will get easier as you become more familiar with the spa.
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