Cannot Hold Chorline


Jun 5, 2011
Ever since the pool was opened this year (week ago), the water has been a light green color, mostly in the deep end. I had a pool maintenance guy come over and do the necessary things to get it up and running. However, it seems to be lacking Free Chlorine (FC). I'm unsure of what to do next, as all of the other levels are in normal range. He put 4 Chlorine tablets in, shocked it and cleaned everything, still no dice.

Total Chlorine: 3
Free Chlorine: 0
Hardness: 250
Alkalinity: 120
pH: 7.5

Using an AquaCheck Select test kit.

Appreciate the help!
Well I have been using "Super Shock-It" 1lb bags. I used one bag on Friday and another yesterday. I don't think I should have used both that close together, but what's done is done. My test kit is old, around late 90's, and there is no reading for CYA.
No reading for CYA, or the kit won't test for it? I wouldn't trust chemicals that old. What kind of kit? Add a sig line to your profile and tell us about your pool/equipment. Welcome~!
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