PB Install or Self-Install Easytouch with IC40 Cell


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Feb 22, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio
Our pool will be started in about a month. As of right now, we were just going with a standard manualy dosed chlorine pool. I have no decided that I think we should go with the Easytouch and IC40 cell because we will have a 2 spd pump, Intellibrite lights and I want to put in solar this summer. The PB will charge me $1500 to install this including the salt and initial setup to get everything right. I will also get the 3 year extended warranty if I have him do it.

I can buy it online and have it shipped to my house for around $1100 or so. I would then need to buy salt and install it and only have the 1 year warranty.

My question to you is do you think I should just have the PB install it for a little extra money and get the extended warranty?

Just wanted some opinions on this.
For me, this is easy, let the PB do it. $400 is very reasonable compared to a discount Internet price, plus you get the warranty and don't need to worry about doing the work yourself. $400 compared to a full pool build is nothing.
Keven said:
Let the PB install it that's a no brainer...

I think something isnt right here. Easytouch + IC40 + installation for $1,500? Wiring, wire, programming, adding salt, and follow up if needed??

Sheesh I'd get him signed up right now.

I could make money off him/her and never have to leave my office.
Does the $1500 include the wire that needs to be run out to the box? Or is it just hanging the box, wiring it to existing power, and the rest of the equipment install?
Those Easytouch boxes can be wired with between 60 and 100 amps. Depending on how far he has to pull power from the main, that cost will vary.
Sorry guys. I should have explained it better. I have to run about 30 ft of wire and mount it to my house. I have to get power to it because he is not allowed to because they are not electricians. He will do the rest.

I don't need a separate controoler or remote do i?
briansturgeon said:
I don't need a separate controoler or remote do i?

No. Pentair has a remote that you can buy, but it's not needed. How much power are you goin to run ut to the ET box? More is better. 30 feet isnt that far. Can you run it through a basement or will you have to dig and bury it? Are you going to hire an electrician to do it?
I dont understand way doesn't hire an electrician to run his main power line and connect power to the breaker box... I understand why he doesn't, that might have the same law as we do where I am at..

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My brother does a lot of electrical work while running his hvac business. He is not licensed electrician but the homeowner is allowed to do electrical work for themselves where I live. A contractor just can't do it if they aren't an electrician. Therefore, I am going to have him help me run the electric to it. I will run the largest I can to the ET.

I can come out of the basement within about 20 ft or so of the box and the rest I will just did a trench for and run in schedule 80 conduit.

I'm sure the PB would sub it out if I wanted but them I'd be paying for something that I can do. THe only other thing I need to do then is run power from the ET out to the Intellibrite lights where they are stubbed out. What size wire should I use to run out to the lights?
I'd run at least 80 amps out to the ET box. 100 is better. 4 wires, stranded, black red, green, white. #4 for 80 amps, #2 for 100 amps.
As far as the intellibrites, #12 stranded, black, white, green. How far are the lights from the ET box?

Is the ET box attached to the house or detached? If detached, how far away?
Lots goes into wiring a pool. It's not hard, just a lot of detail to know and be aware of.
Bonding the pool properly is a big job too.
ET box will be attached to house unless it is better otherwise. On Pentair's website it says "Include 150 amp breaker base with space for 10 1-in breakers" so I'm assuming I can run 150? If so, I can still use #2 wire right? The run from my home 200 amp service will be no more than about 30 feet or so.

One IB light is about 30 ft and one will be about 60 ft from ET.

PB is bonding the pool even though I'm having a different contractor do the concrete deck.

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